Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Here's a shitastic chapter. Enjoy. :)

Another couple weeks, the same old thing. After her revenge hookup with the boss, Chloe's reign of one night stands was over. She couldn't continue, she could barely make it through that one. She didn't want to, but she sadly did and it wasn't all that great. Her boss, on the other hand, begged the differ. He's been persistent with his attempts to get more, but she's been more persistent in shutting it down. She has absolutely no interest in him from his disrespect for women, his scruffy and greasy face to his equally if not more revolting pelvic region. She wants absolutely nothing to do with him outside of their work, even if it meant that she would be dropped from the label. 

The morning of the party that she had promised to perform at came around and she couldn't pull herself from the comfort of her warm bed. Her alarm screeched for her to wake up, she just stared at the piece of technology, having already been awake for at least an hour before it was set to go off. She was deaf to the sound, completely lost in thought, remembering and dreading the promise she had made to her former sound man. That promise is what catapulted her back into Beca's world. 

"Oh my God, can you shut that damn thing up?" A groggy Tasmanian voice jerked Chloe from her thoughts, exposing her to the wretched sound.

"Sorry, Amy. I was just thinking." She apologized, reaching over and smacking the device silent, earning an exaggerated sigh from her roommate and former Bella.

"Are you still hung up on that girl? Come on, Red. She made her choice. I love the flat butt, but Beca isn't really the greatest at risks when it comes to matters of the heart. Which is very contradicting considering how reckless she is toward everything else."
"I know you're right, but I've been in love with her for so long. Then I finally get to be with her, and that damn Treblemaker ruined it. Twice. It's not easy to just suck it up and get on with life. Not this time. I miss her."

With a sympathetic expression, Amy climbed into bed with the ginger played the big spoon, holding her friend tight. "I know it's hard. But if she can just let you go like that, maybe it's just not meant to be. Don't hate her for her mistakes, instead embrace those mistakes because no matter how much they hurt, they will only make you stronger."
Chloe smiled, "That's a good point." 

"I know." The blonde retorted confidently, "And when, down the road, you're doing better and have a life to envy while Beca's is falling apart, you can stick it to her. Show her what she's missing and make her wish she never said goodbye to you." 

Chloe laughed, "Thank you, Ames. I really needed that." 

"No problem. You couldn't do it yourself since you're a ginger and all." 

"Haha." Chloe giggled, "Who knew you were so motivational."

"Haven't you learned? Don't underestimate me. I'm a woman of many talents." 

There was a moment of comfortable silence before another word was spoke, "Um, Amy?" 


"Can you maybe stop spooning me now? It's kind of awkward." 

"No problem, flat butt." Amy climbed out of the bed and returned to her own, leaving Chloe to her own devices. 

Slowly, she dragged herself out of bed against her better judgment. She pulled on a pair skinnies and a flannel, topped off with her boots and a light coat of makeup, her hair falling freely around her shoulders. After stopping at the kitchen for a less than fulfilling breakfast, she headed to the studio for another day of endless performing that she honestly didn't mind all that much anyway. 

"Beale, I need to see you in my office." Chloe's heart pounded slightly as the big boss, the man higher than her pervy boss, called her into his office. With a hard gulp, she followed the man into the roomy space, spotting her smaller boss standing with an evil grin at the end of the hall. She felt lost in fear by time the door latched behind her, the intimidating man appearing before her.  

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