Chapter Twenty-Nine

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"Alright, I just spoke to my wife and we're about to open the gifts. It's almost time for you, so be ready." The man informed Chloe and her band before rushing back off to his family.

"You heard him, get in your positions." Chloe ordered as ensured that her microphone was on. "We're starting with Can't Stop the Feeling and working our way down the set."

Her crew nodded and prepared themselves for the performance. Moments later, the man was on stage once again, but this time in front of the curtain. He made a fee minute speech, talking about his daughter and how proud he is and how much he loves her, then came the introduction.

"Becky, I know that you may not have gotten everything that you wanted for your birthday, but I hope that makes up for it. Ladies and gentleman, it is my honor to introduce the wickedly talented and extraordinarily kind. . .CHLOE BEALE!"

Simultaneously, teenage girls screamed, the crew began to play, and the curtain was pulled away to reveal Chloe to the excited audience.

"Good evening, guys and girls! Are you ready to blow the roof off this joint?!" The screams increased in volume in response, pumping Chloe up even more. "This performance goes out to the birthday girl. Happy birthday, Rebecca. You have an incredible father, sweetie." She couldn't hear the girl, but she could tell that Rebecca has erupted in giggling sobs at the special shout out to her, then proceeded to run forward so she was closer to the stage.

"I got this feeling inside my bones, it goes electric, wavy when I turn it on. All through my city, all through my home, we're flying up, no ceiling, when we're in our zone. I got that sunshine in my pocket, got that good soul in my feet. I feel that hot blood in my body when it drops, ooh I can't take my eyes up off it, moving so phenomenally. Room on lock the way we rock it, so don't stop. And under the lights when everything goes nowhere to hide when I'm getting you close when we move, well, you already know so just imagine, just imagine, just imagine nothing I can see but you when you dance, dance, dance. Feeling good, good, creeping up on you so just dance, dance, dance, come on all those things I shouldn't do but you dance, dance, dance and ain't nobody leaving soon, so keep dancing. I can't stop the feeling so just dance, dance, dance I can't stop the feeling so just dance, dance, dance, come on."


Beca clutched a sleeping Anne to her chest as she sat in the airport, waiting for their line to be called. After two and a half hours, they were finally called to board the plane. She sat Anne in her respected seat and strapped her in before mimicking the action to herself.

"She is so adorable." A quiet voice caught Beca's attention and she turned her head to the woman perched across the aisle, flashing her a smile. "What is her name, dear?"


"What a beautiful name. If you don't mind my asking, why are you alone? A young, beautiful woman such as yourself should have help with a child that age."

"I did, but her father wasn't a great man, so we left."

"Where are you going?"

"I'm going to Atlanta."

"Oh, nice place. Is there anything special there?" Beca thought about the rather nosy stranger's question for a moment. She has never told anyone that she likes women outside of the Bellas and her mother. It's not that she's embarrassed, it's just not something that is very easy to just say someone, stranger or not.

"Very special. That's where the woman I love lives." The woman showed a shocked expression, but a warm smile quickly replaced it.

"That's very sweet."

"Thank you, but I am nervous as hell. We didn't really end on good terms each time we were together, and they were both all my fault. I was terrified to leave my husband because he threatened to take my daughter from me and he's pretty powerful, so I thought he could really do it. But that's no excuse. I should've fought. I was dumb and I don't know if she will take me back and I don't know who a rejection would hurt more. Me or her." She points to her still sleeping daughter who is now leaning on her arm, her mouth dropping open as she falls deeper into sleep.

"Well, good luck, sweetheart. I hope you get your happiness." The two women exchanged final smiles, then did their own thing for the remainder of the plane ride.

Hours later, Beca awoke when a voice rumbled through the loudspeaker, informing the passengers that the plane would be landing momentarily. She rubbed the sleep from her eyes and peered over at her daughter, chuckling to herself when she realizes that she is still sleeping. That kid can sleep, she gets it from her momma. Beca makes sure that Anne is buckled in and awaits the landing, anxious to get out and stretch her legs.

Once they land, Beca carefully picks Anne up, checking the girl's pulse just to be sure, though she was warned she'd sleep a lot after the head injury. She says a quick goodbye to the woman from earlier, thanking her again for her best wishes, then grabs their things and heads for the car rentals. Moments later, she's arriving at the address that she had gotten from Chloe's current employer. She's glad that they called her for a verbal recommendation or she would have never found Chloe.

"Mommy, where are we?" Beca looked back at the tiny girl in the backseat.

"Hey, sleepy head. We are in Atlanta."

"Oh, where's daddy?"

"He is still in LA."

"Then why are we here?" Beca sighed and turned in her seat to face her daughter to the best of her ability.

"Well, sweetie, you see daddy isn't a very good daddy or husband. He hasn't been for a while, but mommy was too scared to do anything about it. But not anymore. We left daddy and we are not going back. You can still see him if you would like, of course." Anne stared blankly at her mother for a moment.

"When do I get to see Chloe again?"

"If all goes well, you will in about five minutes." Beca smiles a little, "Okay, let's go." She climbs out of the car and helps Anne out, walking up to the door of the big building. She searches the com on the side for Chloe's name, instead finding Amy's. She clicks the button with the corresponding number and speaks into the microphone. "Amy?" There is a moment of silence on Beca's end as Amy runs to the com eagerly.


Beca chuckles at the old nickname, "Yes, it's me. Can you let me in? I have to see Chloe."

"Oh, sorry, Becs. Red isn't here right now."

Beca's smile dropped slightly, "Where is she?"

"She's performing at a birthday for some guy she used to work with's kid. Said he helped her get to you and skyrocket her career. Congratulations on that by the way. Why are you looking for her anyway?"

"Because I need to tell her that I love her and I am getting a divorce." There was a long moment of silence, then the door to the building flew open to reveal the blonde she was speaking to through the walkie talkie like device.

"Are you being for real right now? Like this isn't going to be like the last two times and you are going to stay with her for real this time?"

"Yes, I am one hundred percent certain. I am done with Jesse and I am done being afraid. I just want my daughter and me to live in happiness from now on." Amy searched Beca's face for a moment, looking for any sign that she will chicken out again. Noting how she's traveled this far, packed their bags, and isn't wearing her wedding bands, she decides that this is legit.

"Alright. Give me your keys and get in the car. I will take you to her." Beca lets her excitement show as she tosses the keys to the Tasmanian. "But so help me God, flatbutt. You hurt her again and I will break you. Understood?"


"Good, now let's go."

Are you getting excited yet? Good, keep waiting. 😅😂

More soon!

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