Chapter Seventeen

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So no comments on the last one, a little depressing. But it wasn't all that great, so here's the next one. Please ignore any errors in grammar. spelling, etc. I didn't really make time for a proofread. But enjoy!

Two years later

"Goodbye to you. Goodbye to everything I thought I knew. You were the one I loved, the one thing that I tried to hold on to. The one thing I tried to hold on to."

Chloe was in the studio, recording the next song to her newest album. After hearing Michelle Branch's Goodbye to You, she fell in love right away and bought the rights from the singer to include it in her album. As she approached the final lines of the song, her mom, who doubles as her manager (momager) runs in. She waves her hands to get her daughter's attention through the sound proof glass, getting the 'one minute' gesture in return."

"And when the stars fall, I will lie awake. You're my shooting star."

When the music came to a close, the singer wrapped her headphones back around the mic and stepped into the booth. "Hey, mom. What's up?"

"Well, honey, and don't get angry. I know you've had it tough the last couple years, and I did all that I could. But..."

"But? But what?" Chloe gave her mother a look of despair, knowing that she's amount to receive bad news, most likely related to her career, which is her dream. "You don't have a producer to produce your stuff anymore."

"What?!" She yelled in disbelief, never expecting that. "Mom, I need them! What happened?"

"They said something about budget cut, and you were the last hired. I believe they said 'last hired, first fired.' I'm so sorry." With a long, audible sigh, Chloe dropped into a seat closest to her. "What am I gonna do, mom? This is my dream, and I just barely grasped it. Now they're yanking it from me?"

"Don't worry, sweetie. Mommy's going to fix this."

"Um, actually," the sound guy interjected, "I think I can help you." Chloe and her mother both looked at the man that they had actually forgotten was even there. "I have this friend whose wife works for a record label. She's a pretty sweet girl, and very good at her job. She's decent friends with her boss, too. I could see if she could, at the very least, get you an interview."

"Really? You'd do that for me?" Chloe asked, her heart warmed by the man's kindness when he nodded. "Thank you so much. Please, let me know if there is anything I can do for you."

Well, actually, there is." The man paused, getting a look as if to say 'go on' from Chloe. "My little girl has a birthday coming up, and I don't have the money to get her the iPod she wants. She is a huge fan of yours, but if I can't get a phone, obviously I can't tickets to your next show. Do you think you could help me get some?" He asked, timidly, "I hate to ask, but I would do anything to make my baby girl happy on the big one oh (10)."

"When is her party?"

"Next month." Chloe peered into the man's eyes, "Get me that interview, or at least give it good effort, and I'll do you one better. I'll perform at her party, the whole meet and greet package for her and her friends all for free." The man teared up as he became overwhelmed with joy. "Thank you so much, Mrs. Beale. You're truly an incredible person."

"I wouldn't go that far, but thank you." She flashed him a smile, her cheeks rosy from his compliment. "My daughter is going to be the happiest I've seen her in a long while. Trust me, you're incredible." He gives her a quick hug before leaving, Chloe and her mom following shortly after.

A few days later

After a good deal of begging and pleading on both Beca's friend and Beca's end, she convinced her boss to allow her an interview with the unnamed artist her friend had suggested.

The day of the interview quickly approached and Beca was running late. It had been a particularly rough morning in the Swanson household that morning, and Anne just refused to obey for some unknown reason. After fighting with her for God knows how long to get ready for school, Beca managed to drop her daughter off twenty minutes late, which wouldn't have been that great of a deal...if it wasn't the third time in just two weeks.

After enduring a lecture from the school principal, she was already five minutes late to work. Then, on her way there, she decided to make a stop for her normal coffee run. Bad idea. The place was jam packed and it took forever just to place her order. Not only that, but they brought back the wrong order TWICE. By time she took off again, she was already at twenty minutes passed her clock in time. Then there was the traffic jam....she finally arrived at work half an hour later than she should have.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck. I'm late. I'm late." She said as she approached her secretary's desk, "I know. I'm sorry, Anne just wouldn't listen. And the traffic."

"It's okay, Mrs. Swanson. I get it."

"Thank you, Linda. Can you do me a favor and maybe not inform..."

"Swanson!" A loud voice boomed across the lobby area. "Never mind." She mumbled and put on a smile before turning to her boss. "Sir." She greeted him, "You're late, Swanson."

"I know, sir. But my daughter was being a serious handful this morning, and she ended up being late, which made her principal get on my ass. Then there was the traffic..."

"I don't want to hear excuses, Swanson. You begged me to let you see this artist, and you're already making me regret my decision. I should just take the opportunity away from you."

"No, please, sir. My friend needs this. I promise, it won't happen again. Just please." Her boss evaluated her expression, pondering the options for a long moment. "Well, you're a very good employee, and your clients always give you good reviews...just don't let this become a habit."

"I won't. Thank you, I won't disappoint you."

"You better not. Now go on, she's waiting in your office."

"Wait, she's here?" She looked at the time on her phone. "Yeah. Unlike you, she was on time." Her boss gave a snarky reply before walking off, yelling at some other poor soul. Beca turned to head for her office when her briefcase came unlatched, spilling its contents all over the floor. "God dammit! This day just can't get worse!" She groaned. She picked it up quickly and ran into her office, trying to straighten them as she walked to her desk. "I'm so sorry I'm late." She said when she caught a glimpse of the person as she passed them. "My daughter is such a handful." She dropped the papers on her desk and began to sort them when the voice of the person that she had yet to so much as look at spoke, "How is she?" The red music notes inked into her skin felt as if it began to burn the skin it was inked in as she slowly lifted her head to look at the artist. "Chloe?"

"Hello, Beca."

OOOOOO! She back! What's going to happen now?? And yes, I gave Beca a new tattoo and if you haven't already guessed the purpose, then you really need to brush up on your BeChloe knowledge. Jesse may or may not know about it, I haven't really decided yet, but if he does then he  doesn't really get the meaning and doesn't care. 

Anyway, I hope you all enjoyed and I hope more people read and give me thoughts here than they did on my last chapter. That was depressing, but I guess it really wasn't the best chapter. Just a little catch up on poor broken Chloe. 

So, peace! ✌

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