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Nine Months Later

Quickly jerking up from her sleep, drenched in a cold sweat and groaning in severe pain, Chloe woke her fiancé up with a stern whack wherever she was able to reach. With a groan, Beca rolled to look at the ginger, forcing words from her dreary lips, "What?"

"Beca, it's happening. We need to go to the hospital."

"That's great, baby. Tell me more in the morning." Beca mumbled, falling back into her slumber. Chloe smacked the brunette once again, "Rebeca (do any of you remember what I made her middle name lol) Mitchell, wake the fuck up and get me to the God damn hospital now before I deliver this baby in our bed!"

"The baby's coming?!" Beca jerked awake at the words, running around the room in a whiz of excitement. When Chloe first revealed she was pregnant, Beca was admittably nervous about raising another child. But that didn't stop her from being happy and excited about their little man. So much so that she took all the precautions to keep his sperm donor out of his life, based upon the awful stories she had been told, he doesn't deserve to be his dad. He confirmed it when he didn't hesitate to sign over all rights at the mention of a large sum of money.

"Anne! Baby, wake up!" Beca yelled for their daughter who is just a room away, "Your brother's coming, get ready just like we rehearsed!" A small "okay mommy" responded and Beca leaped into action. She slipped into her shoes then helped Chloe into hers and out of bed. She lead her fiancé to the car, grabbing the baby bag as they walked, then helped her into the car with difficulty. "Anne, take my phone and call grandma and tell her to meet us at the hospital." Beca handed her phone to the child then hurriedly climbed into the car, rushing to the hospital.

Once there, Beca flagged down a nurse and the four rushed into a room and immediately began Chloe's prep for birthing.

"Well, Mrs. Beale, you're only three centimeters dilated. We will keep you in here until you reach ten. If need anything, press the call button and I will be back shortly to check on you." The nurse smiled brightly as if she had just accomplished something huge, then left the room.

"Deep breaths, baby. Deep breaths." Beca said in her most soothing tone as she performed the breathing exercises herself. Chloe joined her for a few minutes before screaming in pain again, "I can't. I can't do this. It hurts too much."

"I know, baby. You got this, though. You can do it. Just look at me, okay? Focus on me and breathe." Chloe nodded and focused on her fiancé and her breathing, calming down only to scream again. "Your contractions are getting closer. You're almost there."

"Mommy, what's happening?" Anne asked softly, clinging to Beca as the sounds of Chloe's painful screams frightened her. "It's okay, sweetie. Momma is fine, she's just about to deliver your brother."

"What's that mean?"

"Well, you know how I told you that bubby is in momma's belly?" Anne nodded, "He's about to come out now and join us out here."

"How?" Beca pondered the question for a moment, trying to find the most kid friendly way of putting it. "Well, the doctors are going to use their special powers to bring him out here." At that moment, Chloe's parents came rushing inside and to their daughter's side.

"Honey, how are you? How far are you?"

"Alright, Mrs. Beale. Let's have a look." The nurse from earlier returned and lifted Chloe's gown, sliding her fingers in and finding the cervix. Beca stepped over for a look, nudging Anne back when she tried following, "Trust me, you don't want to see this." The nurse chuckled a little, "Kids, always so curious, right?"

"Yeah. You have any?"

"One. He's 3."

"Hate to break up this mommy moment, but can you have this talk when your fingers aren't shoved deep into my vagina?" The nurse nodded and gauged how far she was. "Looks like you're at eight centimeters. Do you want the epidural?"

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