Chapter Fourteen

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"Should we both wear a dress? Or do you prefer a pantsuit or something? And who's going to be given away? Oo! We should do lilies for the flowers...NO! Amaryllis. I don't know, what do you think?" Chloe had wedding tabloids scattered all around their shared king sized bed as she went crazy on decoration plans. Meanwhile, Beca sat completely still, staring off as Jesse's threats whirled around in her mind. "Beca? Earth to Beca."

"Hm?" Beca mumbled when a snap directly in front of her face pulled her back into reality. "Beca, you have to stop this. Were going to be fine. Courts always side with the mothers."

"Not always. Dads can sometimes get it, I've seen Law and Order."

"That's a TV show, Bec. You cant use that as an excuse." Chloe sat her tabloid down and gently took Beca's hand in her own. "I know its a show, but events like that actually happen."

"Yes, but in those cases, the mother has done something illegal, twisted, gross, or all of the above to their babies. They don't even deserve the ability to bare children, but that's not you. You will be a great mom."

"No, I wont. I'm going to fail. You don't know me as well as you think. I cant do this. Maybe I should just let Jesse take her, he had amazing parents." Beca doubted herself. Chloe climbed over to sit in front of her, gently grabbing her face. "No, you don't know you, Beca. I do. I have spent years watching you run the Bella's. For years, you have taken care of the girls, Jesse, and even me, and not once did you ever miss a practice or class that you actually intended to attend. I watched you use the last few bucks that you had, the few bucks that you were going to put into saving for more equipment, and buy the homeless man outside of the McDonalds dinner. You even sat with him while he ate and talked to him because you don't like lonely dinners and you didn't want him to go through that. You literally gave Emily the shirt off your back when the poor girl ripped hers walking off stage. Granted it smelled like your sweat, but her boobs weren't popping out and that's what matters." A small giggle erupted from Beca's lips and Chloe smiled, placing a gentle kiss on them. "You are so sweet, so caring, and you love with all you got. Of course it will be hard, but you'll have me. You are going to rock motherhood, Rebeca Renee Mitchell."

"Okay, but how am I supposed to show the court that?" Beca asked, not seeing the use in arguing. "We'll just have to show them how truly incredible you are." Beca blushed slightly before speaking, "Promise me you'll never leave me?"

"Til death do us part." A nod ended the conversation and instigated a quick intimate moment. After the moment ended, Chloe picked up where she had left off. "So, lilies or amaryllis?"

"Amaryllis, definitely. They're my favorite." Chloe nodded and marked it before looking through the tabloids for more decorations, "And Chloe?"


"Ever call me by my full name again and this pregnant woman will how you just how well she can kick ass even with a baby bump." Chloe erupted and laughter, causing Beca to smile at the sight, and pecked her lips many times. "God, I love you."

"I love you, too." Another kiss was planted before the ginger began to stack her tabloids up on her nightstand. "Lets call it a night, sweetie. You need your rest." She flicked her table lamp off as Beca got comfortable, then snuggled up to her, wrapping her arms around her so her hand rests on her bump. "Goodnight, Beca boo."

"Goodnight, Chlo bear." She mumbled, her mind slipping back into panic mode as Chloe's slipped off into peaceful slumber.

Chloe awoke in the middle of the night to the sound of shuffling around and metal latches coming apart then snapping back together. "Beca?" She called out in her dazed state, still half asleep. "It's okay, baby, just go back to sleep." Beca's soft voice soothed her slightly, "What are you doing?"

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