Chapter Twelve

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Beca sat on the designated bench and awaited the arrival of the one person she wanted to see least of all. As she waited, she looked through her photo gallery at the photos she and Chloe had taken during their rendezvous. She grew sadder with each photo but couldn't stop looking, equally saddening music blaring into her ears. A tap on her shoulder caused her to jump, shrieking inaudibly to herself. "You called, I assume it's to present me with some good news."

"If you can give me advice as my best friend, then yes, there will be good news in it for you." She looked up at the newly former Bella. "Shoot." Emily sat next to her at full attention. "Well, I kind of have someone else that I'm kind of into, but she wants me to ask her to be my girlfriend, but I don't know if I can do that considering what I'm currently carrying. I don't know if I should tell her, I don't want to burden her or make her feel obliged to stay and help. What do you think I should do?"

"First of all, she? I had no idea you swung that way." Beca rolled her eyes at the cliché statement, "Second, I think, if you really like her, you should tell her. Sure it'll suck having a girlfriend who's pregnant with a man's baby, but it's worse having one who is dishonest and keeps secrets. Trust me, being that girlfriend comes back to really bite you in the ass." Emily's head lowered until she was staring at her lap. "But what if she doesn't want to be with me anymore because of it?"

"Well, then she doesn't really love you." Beca sighed a little, still unsure. "Bec, give Chloe a chance. She may surprise you, she is pretty chill."

"I know, but-wait, did you just say Chloe? How'd you know?"

"I didn't, but you just told me." She giggled, "Everyone saw the way you two have been looking at each other. I immediately thought it was Chloe we were talking about, which is why I think you should tell her. I think Chloe, of all people, can look passed this and love you for you."

"Thanks, Em." Before she could register what she was doing, Beca found her arms full of Legacy as she pulled her into a hug. "I miss you, Emily. I'm so tired of being mad at you when I don't even care about him anymore. If anything, I think you saved me from making a huge mistake. Can we please be friends again?"

"You have no idea how I longed to hear those words. Of course we can be friends again, you're the sister I never had. I love you, Beca."

"I love you, too, Em. And I want to help you with Benji since you helped me with Chloe." Emily's grip on the tiny girl grew stronger as happy tears fell from her eyes. "Thank you so much. And, can I please be a Bella again?" Without a word, Beca released herself from the hug and reached into her bag, "I believe this is yours." She smiled and handed her the official Bella scarf she had once confiscated. A squeal escaped her lips as she snatched the scarf from the Bella leader, "Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!"

"Okay, Junk. Don't get too excited or I'll take it back." Beca laughed a little, "Now go, you have a lot of packing to do if you're gonna move back in in time to learn the finals routine." With one more excited scream, followed by a bone crushing hug, Emily was off to perform her Bella duties once again. "Now, how do I tell Chloe?"

Turning Beca down after waiting so long to get her was more than Chloe could handle. She wanted Beca so bad, but she just couldn't be with her for sex, especially when she won't tell her why they can't be together. After leaving Beca's room, Chloe locked herself in her own room. She blared her Panic! At the Disco as she worked on neglected homework. She tried so hard not to think about Beca but her mind wouldn't stop wandering, no matter what she did. Finally she just gave in and let her thoughts take over.

Why is she acting like this? Did she not like the sex? If so, why did she come back for more? Why won't she just tell me why she can't be with me? Is it just because she doesn't want to? Is she unattracted to me? Oh my God, is she dying? Don't be ridiculous, Chloe. She'd tell you if it were something that big. Ugh, Beca! Just be with me! Can't you see I love you?!

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