Chapter Twenty-Three

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"Fuck is correct, as in what the fuck is going on here?" Beca's mother, being the unexpected guest at the door, asked the two girls in utter shock. Beca just stares at her mother, unsure of what to say. Her mom loves Jesse, she has never approved of Chloe because she thought Beca left Jesse for the redhead. Beca tried to explain that that was not the case, but her mother wouldn't hear of it. Now that she has caught her daughter cheating on the beloved Jesse with the disliked ginger, there is no way she will approve now.

"Mommy, why are you kissing Chloe like you kissed daddy?" Anne's curious voice snapped Beca's attention to the little girl. Beca tried her best to come up with a story for the child, "I was just helping Chloe."

"You were?"

"Yes. She wanted to know if she was kissing right," Beca turned to Chloe helplessly, "you're doing it perfectly." Chloe sat quietly for a moment as she processed everything, then played along. "Oh, um, thank you."

"Daddy doesn't need to know about this, Anne. Okay?" Beca said as she turned back to her daughter.

"Why not?"

"Well, because daddy will think something different. Can you promise me you won't tell him?" Anne nodded her response and Beca sighed in relief. She placed a kiss to her cheek, then let her go play. All attention was then turned toward the brunette's mother. "Mom, please don't tell him."

"And why shouldn't I? This is adultery, Beca!"

"I know what it is, mom, but you don't understand what it's like to be married to him."

"It can't be that bad, Beca. He's a great guy, and takes care of that child and you."

"Yeah, okay." Beca snorted at her mother's positive accusations toward her husband. "What? Did I say something funny?" Her mother retorted. "Yes, you did. Jesse doesn't take care of us. I don't even think that he knows we exist."

"Don't be ridiculous, Beca. He loves the two of you."

"Really, mom? He loves me? Is that why he cheated on me? Why I fell out of love with him and in love with Chloe? Why he wouldn't let me be happy and instead used my daughter as a tactic to get me to come back to him just because he didn't want me with Chloe?"

"Oh, please. You're being childish. You don't love this girl, Beca, you're just trying to hurt me." At that comment, Beca rises to her feet, boiling over with anger. "I do not love Jesse, mom! I am in love with Chloe. It's not hurt you, either. I love her because she is amazing. She is there when I need her, she actually love my child, she treats us like royalty, and she is with me because she actually loves me back. In fact, I am even considering a divorce now that I have enough money to hire a lawyer good enough to keep Jesse from taking my baby from me!" Beca's volume was off the charts, but easily dropped back to normal when Chloe rubbed her back and whispered a few words into the brunette's ear.

"Mom, I'm not happy with Jesse. How do you not see that?" Beca's mom stared at her child for a moment, searching her face for any sign of lying. Seeing none, the woman shrugged her surrender. "I don't know. But you need to figure this out and stop lying to Jesse because, right now, you're just as bad as he was when he cheated on you."

"I know."

"I can't watch Anne anymore." Her mother said, suddenly changing the subject. "Something came up, so you're on mother duty again. Bye." With that, her mother left, leaving Beca and Chloe to sit in thought.

"I guess I should go now." Chloe says softly and heads for the door, but Beca quickly stops her. "No, Chlo. Stay. Jesse still isn't coming home until Monday, and Anne loves you. We just have to refrain from intimacy when around her." Chloe nods in agreeance and sits back down, sipping on her wine again.

Beca's mother made her way to her car, still angered by what she had just walked in on. Sometimes she just does not understand her daughter. First she's head over heels for Jesse, then out of nowhere, she's all about Chloe.

She's never even liked girls!

Her thoughts roared through her mind, only encouraging her heated behavior.

But, the girl was able to calm her down fairly quickly. And the way Beca looks at her reminds me of how I used to look at John (Beca's father). Maybe I'm being too hard on her...

Mrs. Mitchell began to negotiate with herself, her nerves calming. She began to reminisce on the many times she used to see the former Bellas together. They were always laughing, and smiling. Always standing so close and touching. They were...happy.

Maybe she's not doing this to hurt me. Maybe she is just chasing her happiness. Maybe Chloe is her happiness.

Stopping in her tracks, the older version of Beca gave the thought a long consideration. After a few moments, she reached into her purse and retrieved her phone. After tapping a couple options on the screen, she held the device to her ear and waited for the ringing to be cut to a voice.


"You were right."

Again, sorry this took so long. My laptop charger is broken, and I haven't had money to get a new one yet. But here it is. Its short, but its filler until the important stuff.

If any of you read my book We Are Titanium, sequel soon.

And, if by the end of this book you decide you want a sequel, tell me. I've considered a few things already.

And, Mitchsen/BeChloe or other female pairing rps are still welcome.

Hope you enjoyed!

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