Chapter Twenty-Eight

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She made a mistake. She made a huge mistake and the more time passes, the clearer it becomes. Chloe was right. Jesse doesn't care. He's never around, and when he is, he barely pays any attention to Anne. It's heartbreaking to watch Anne try to get her father's attention just to be blown off with an annoyed "I'm working, Anne." To make matters worse, Anne is mad at her mother. She blames her for Chloe leaving her and she's not wrong.

Beca stood in the kitchen, preparing their meal for the night. She hadn't stuck to the not cooking for Jesse ordeal because Anne would just give him her food and he'd take it without so much as a thank you. So Beca began cooking for him again to keep Anne from being further disappointed by her selfish father.

As she cooked, Beca watched as Anne ran around in play, having a gay old time. She smiled at the adorable sight before her, her daughter swinging her dolls and stuffed animals around as if they were dancing at a ball.

"Mommy, look!" Anne ran up to her mother, proudly showing her the plastic tiara that rested in her messy hair. Though she was mad, she usually forgot about it like a typical toddler. "I won pwincess!"

"That's amazing!" Beca chuckled and scooped the tiny girl up. "You're my princess." She said and kissed all over the tiny face, earning an adorable belly giggle.

"Here." She puts another tiara on Beca's head, "Now you queen mommy!"

Beca chuckled, "Thank you." She kissed Anne's cheek again before siting her down, watching as she ran to her father.

"Daddy! Daddy! Look! I'm pwincess and mommy's queen!" She tried to get her father's attention by tugging on his clothes. He just pulled away and continued his conversation with whoever was on the opposite side of the phone line. "Daddyyyyyy!!" Anne continued to try despite her first attempt failing. She began to climb into Jesse's lap, "Daddy."

Beca chuckled and turned her back to the duo as she began to place the meat in the skillet. "Ow! Daddy!" The sound of Anne's pained cries caused Beca to whip around, running to her daughter when she sees on the ground crying and holding her head.

"Anne, baby, what happened? What hurts?"

"Mommy, I bleeding." Anne cried already climbing into her mother's arms in a loud sob.

Beca touched the spot on her daughter's head that the girl had been holding, sure enough when when she pulls her hand back, there's bits of blood on her fingers. She rushed to grab whatever she can to cover the injury, attempting to the cease the bleeding.

"What the fuck, Jesse? What did you do?"

With an eye roll, Jesse excused himself from the phone call, clicking the mute button. "She pinched my

man bits, so I nudged her. She's just being overdramatic. She gets that from you."

"Over-fuck, Jesse!" Beca raised her voice, on her last straw. "She's fucking bleeding! You busted her fucking head! Fuck it, I don't have time for this. I'm taking her to the hospital."

"Don't be so fucking dramatic. She's fine." Beca didn't respond, she just flipped the man off and walked out with her daughter, trying to calm her.

A couple of hours later, Beca returns to the penthouse. She has Anne stay in the car as she goes up to their suite, storming in as loud as she can just to inconvenience Jesse. She headed straight for the room that she shared with Jesse and grabbed a couple of suitcases, filling one with as much as her clothing as it can hold. She then goes to Anne's room and repeats the action. Once their clothing is safely tucked away, she grabs a bag and begins to fill it with a multitude of snacks and drinks, being sure to include her phone charger, and laptop and laptop charger.

"What are you doing?" Jesse questions his wife as he enters the living room where Beca had plucked up her laptop.

"I'm leaving you and I am taking my daughter with me."

"The hell you are. She is my daughter, too, and you cannot take her from me."

"We will let the court decide that when the divorce papers are in and I take full custody of her."

"Even if I were to sign the papers, what makes you think that you will get full custody?"

"Because the mom always win, and now I have proof that you are an unfit parent. Fight me all you want, Jesse, but that is not going to stop me from leaving you or stop me from saving my baby girl from you. I have royally fucked up over the course of the past two years, but not anymore. I am done fearing you and I am done being helpless. I am chasing after my happiness and I will not let Anne live like this any longer."

"And where do you plan to go? You can't find happiness, you are always a miserable fucking bitch." A loud clap sounded through the room as Beca's hand met Jesse's cheek with a strong force.

"You are not allowed to talk to me like that anymore. You should have never been allowed to talk to me like that. And I did have happiness until you ruined it every time."

"Don't tell me you're going to Chloe." Jesse's voice was muffled as his hand blocked his mouth while he rubbed his now sore cheek, but the disgust was very evident.

"She is the only person who has ever loved my baby as much as I do, and she is the only person who has ever accepted me for me and chose to love me even after learning all of my flaws and living through my mistakes. She is my happiness and her love will fix everything. . .if I'm not too late."

"That's bullshit. You'll be back. You always come crawling back to me."

"Not this time, Jesse. I want a divorce, and once it's final, I don't ever want to see you again."

Short, I know. But, I am trying to drag it out or else this book would have been over in the last chapter. Anyway, I don't think I have anything else to say except that I am sorry for the mistakes. I read through it, but i was too tired to revise. I also have got to get this changing tenses thing under control. Its annoying for me, I'm sure you like it no better. So anyway, I hope that you enjoyed.

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