Shaving. Karkat x Reader

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TRIGGER WARNING: ((Kankri would be so proud of me)) Profanity and a hint of a lemon, if that triggers you, please turn around now. if not, then please continue ^_^

"What the fuck are you doing?" I looked up and at my matesprit standing in the doorway.

"Shaving." I answered simply. He raised a black brow and stepped into the bathroom, shutting the door behind him. I sported a white fluffy towel that was wrapped around my torso, bust, and bum. My matesprit had a similar towel adorning his waist, showing off his slightly toned chest and arms.

"What are you doing Karkles?" I smiled and giggled at him and his strange behavior. He stepped closer, standing next to me and my sitting stature.

"Taking a shower with you, fuckass." I chuckled as he sat next to me. He watched me with an intense gaze as I finished shaving. "What the fuck is the point in that?" I glanced at him and his intense gaze on my shaver.

"To make my legs smooth." He narrowed his eyes at the razor. I chuckled at his sudden 'interest' in me and shaving. I sucked air in through my teeth and reeled as I cut myself.

"shit." I mumbled underneath my breath. Karkat cursed and snatched the razor from my hands, throwing it over his shoulder. He grabbed my leg pulling the cut up to his lips.

"Karkat what are you-" his warm tongue darted out and glided over the small cut. I let out a surprised gasp. He reached out and turned the water faucet on, adjusting the temperature while licking my cut. When it got to his desired temperature, he yanked the shower curtain closed, trapping us in the small space.

"Karkat I-" once again he cut me off by setting my leg down and turning the shower on. The small rain-like droplets coating the both of us and our towels as well. He leaned forward and yanked my towel open. I swear I blushed a million shades of red. I attempted to cover myself with my hands.

"Karkat! What are you do-" With a slight growl, Karkat grabbed my hands, pulling them off of me and holding them to my sides. A slight blush dusted his gray cheeks as he took in my appearance. He leaned further forwards, wrapping his slightly tones arms around my torso and nuzzling his face into my neck.

"K-Karkat! What the hell ar-" "shut up fuck ass and just enjoy it." He interrupted. I sighed, smiled and wrapped my arms around him. He reached down and unwrapped his towel from around his waist. He then dropped the wet fabric onto the floor between the curtain and the bathtub. Almost instantly he wrapped his arms back around me. I chuckled and wrapped my legs around him. He immediately took that opportunity to sit up, pick me up, and plunge our bodies under the full force of the shower. I dropped my legs from around his waist and placed them on the slick base of the porcelain bathtub in fear of falling. I looked Karkles in the face. He stared back at me. I quickly smiled and grabbed the luffa and the soap from the shelf lay was conveniently place beside me.

"Welp, lets get started shall we? Don't want the water to get cold." Karkat smirked and grabbed my waist, pulling me into him tightly. We were so close, we could have been mistaken for one person. I smiled slyly before crashing my lips to his. He soon kissed back like clockwork. When we separated, I lathered up soap on the luffa and began to wash him. Eventually we switched, him then washing me in quite a passionate and heated way. Let's just say things got REAL heated after that.

Gog I love this troll.

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