Never Really Ever Had the Chance. The Signless x Reader

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The guards pulled me back picking me up off of the ground a bit as I ran towards my morial Signless.

Honestly I felt red for the candy colored mutant troll.

They pulled me back as hot (blood color) beaded tears rolled down my dirty face and splattered onto the blood spattered ground. I watched as they beat him, cut him, shot him, seemingly anything they could think of at the moment, they did to him. He only gritted his sharp teeth as his bright beautiful red blood streamed down from his wounds and became one with the hard ground below us. I called out his name, kicked, screamed, punched, scratched, bit, anything I could do to try and get away

To help him

Though it was all for naught. They pulled me back every time cursing and yelling things at me, not that I was listening.

The Dolorosa watched, tears streaming down her elegant features. The Disciple bawled as they held her back as well as the Psiioniic. He had the goggles on, the ones that prevented his Psiioniic. Salty golden tears dripped from his chin as he watched. His friend and fellow comrade being tortured. I thrashed and fought back. It wasn't going to end like this, it couldn't end like this. We were supposed to win and make Alternia a better place for everyone. We were supposed to succeed. I kicked a guard in the face as they hoisted me up into the air and off of the ground, seeing as my feet were attacking every guard near me. With a final scream that ripped from my lungs, bellowing a high pitched fire over the world, the Darkleer let his arrow go. Time seemed to slow. All I could hear was my own heartbeat as everything just paused and was advancing very agonizingly slowly. I fought against the guards hoping that I could make it in time.

Alas I could not.

Time picked up just as the arrow landed in the Signless's torso, my scream getting louder and louder, until it died down into a sob. Along with some of the others, I yelled his name. Unlike them though, I screamed his name at the top of my hoarse lungs, hoping, praying that he could hear me.

Though that wasn't the case.

In the end the Darkleer let the disciple go but only as an exile. The dolorosa was sold into slavery and the Condense took the Psiioniic.

I remember the guards letting me go and I collapsed to the ground and ran towards him. I slipped and fell onto my bloody and bruised knees then got back up continuing to run to him. I ran to his body and hugged him his glorious bright candy colored blood streaming all over me, mixing with my own (blood color) blood. I sobbed as I felt his dead heartbeat with my own hands, the organ not beating. His chest wasn't moving at all.

He was dead

My Signless was dead

I sobbed and hugged his body as tight as I could hoping that he would come back.

He had to come back. He needed to come back. We weren't done yet, we still had a reason to fight, he just needed to COME BACK. I wiped the blood from his face and looked into his closed soulless eyes. Tears rolled down my face in fresh drizzles as I cupped his face in my own hands. His iron shackles still burning his lifeless skin. In an instant I collapsed onto my knees holding onto his ankles, sobbing. This was it. The rebellion was over. It was all over. As the guards grabbed me I watched Signless's lifeless body as his suspended figure hung from the large rock, his silhouette getting farther, and farther, and farther until it disappeared into the landscape. I looked down at my hands, coated in his glorious blood.

And I never had the chance to say goodbye

Or that deep down

I really loved him

More than the sun or than the stars

I loved him

And he died not knowing

And I died knowing

That in the end

We were destined for doom anyway.

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