Treats~ Grape Jolly Ranchers Eridan x Reader

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Eridan Ampora scowled as he closed his house door behind him, stepping out onto his porch. His usually perfect posture was slumped and a sour look was plastered onto his face. His eyes were narrowed and set into a deep glare, almost like if he tried he could obliterate anything in his path just by glaring at it.

That's how he felt anyway.

None of the less the royal blooded troll took a step forward irritated with the world and wishing everything would just die.

That was until he crushed something under his weight.

Looking down he reeled at the sight of the slightly squished purple and white striped box. He glared at the box with a certain hate and reached down to pick it up. Once the box was in his hands he examined it like it was going to explode or something. In all reality he held the box at a full arm's length and turned it over and over. He then decided that it was some sort of prank and tossed the absurd box over his shoulder into his neighbor's lawn. Fortunately for him, the box didn't land where it was supposed to. Instead it dangled in mid-air from his hand. Raising an eyebrow he picked the box back up and examined what he was holding. It seemed to be a tag. Looking closely at the elegant hand-writing he read its contents to himself.

'To: Eridan Ampora

From: Your Secret Admirer'

Eridan shook the box but didn't hear anything. Scowling he shook it harder.

Only for the bottom of it to break open and a small bag fall out.

Dropping the box, he bent down and grabbed the bag. Inside the little ornate bag was what looked to be individually wrapped grape jolly ranchers. The royal blood scowled at the bag and pocketed it. He would eat them later right now he had some very important business that only a royal blood could complete.

Going over to (y/n)'s house.

Okay so anyone could go to (y/n)'s house, but for Eridan it was different. He was going over for tea.

Honestly Eridan had hardly ever drinked tea. He liked it yes, but he never really drank it as much as Equius did.

That was if the blue blood didn't completely demolish the cup before even taking a sip of it.

None of the less Eridan walked down his steps and began the short trek to (y/n)'s house.

Anything to get closer to (y/n).

When they were in high school, Eridan had even went dress shopping with her. At the time he was taking Feferi and someone had asked (y/n) anyway.

None of the less, said woman had become his morial after several years of knowing each other in high school and slowly Eridan realized.

He was completely flushed for her.

When the fallout with Feferi happened, (y/n) made him cupcakes with "royal" purple icing and black writing. Each cupcake had said something to make him feel better about himself and the situation.

She always knew how to make the otherwise irritated troll smile.

Eridan knew he didn't use to be grumpy and irritated all of the time, but when he realized that he felt red for (y/n) he had become that way. Because deep down he knew he couldn't have her, and he didn't deserve her. Said troll stopped in front of (y/n)'s crystal frosted glass front door and rang the doorbell. Within a few seconds the door opened and the woman he was completely infatuated with appeared, a large smile on her face. She rushed forward and enveloped him in hug, her hands wrapped around his waist. She pulled away after a few seconds.

"Hey Eri! How's the weather out there?"

Eridan let a small smirk slip past his lips as he spoke to her not as arrogant as he usually spoke to others.

"It's alright, but it wwould be better if you let me inside."

The woman laughed and nodded, stepping to the side as she held open the door for him. Once he went inside he looked around.

"Did you redecorate (y/n)?"

The woman nodded and walked past him.

"I actually did! Look at the pictures on....."

She looked around then pointed at one of her walls near the door.


Eridan, happy to please her, walked over to the wall and began to look at them as (y/n) went into her "study" Eridan let a huge smile consume his face as he looked at the pictures.

One was of him and (y/n) side by side at a waterpark, his arms wrapped around her waist and her arm slung around his shoulders. They wore seemingly matching swimsuits and had huge smiles on their faces. Another was of the two of them, (y/n) in the midst of laughing and Eridan with a face full of cake. Most of the pictures on the wall seemed to be of them and occasionally the others. For example there was one of her and Sollux, side by side arms around each other's shoulders, making the Vulcan salute with their tongues sticking out. (y/n) had on what looked to be his glasses and he had on what looked to be Dave's glasses. In fact it was Dave's glasses, because in the background he could see Dave with one hand over his eyes and the other one sticking straight out, to make sure he can't hit anything. He also looked to be yelling profoundly.

Eridan had the dying urge to take that one off of the wall.

There were more of him and her but one caught his eye. It was a close up. On the left side was Eridan a deep blush dominating his face and a surprised look to go along with it. Then on the right side was (y/n) her hair pinned up, and her delicate little lips kissing his cheek.

That was the best day of his entire existence.

The royal blooded troll snapped out of his trance from looking at the diverse variety of pictures to the sound of (y/n)'s voice coming from the kitchen.

"So how has your day been so far?"

Eridan quickly walked into the kitchen, to be met with the delectable smells of tea being made by (y/n).

"It wwas alright I had a box on my doorstep this morning."

She continued to make the tea, looking up at him as he spoke.

"Really? I mean what was in it did you order something online, or was it expected?"

Eridan thought for a moment then it clicked.

The writing from the cupcakes and the writing on the tag was the same.

If she made the cupcakes then......

A grin broke out on Eridan's face as his "arrogant powers" kicked in.

"Oh no, it wwas from a secret admirer."

(y/n) glanced up at him and turned around, her back to him so she could put the tea kettle on the stove.

"Really? That's pretty neat! Do you have any idea who it is?"

Eridan smirked and leaned on the counter leaning forward close to (y/n).

"Yeah I think it might just so happen to be you."

(y/n) froze.


The royal blooded troll took the stunned opportunity to lean forward and plant a much desired kiss on her lips.

"The cupcakes (y/n)."

Her eyes widened and she began to laugh, reaching forward and grabbing his face, planting a soft kiss on his lips. When they pulled away Eridan places his hands in her jean pockets, as she wrapped her arms around his neck, the both of them smiling like idiots.

"So (y/n)?"

"Yes Eridan?"

"Wwhy grape jolly ranchers?"

The woman laughed and grinned up at him.

"Because everyone acts like they don't like them but they really do."

Eridan thought about it for a minute then laughed kissing her nose.

"That's my (y/n)"

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