i. recognize

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Niall hummed a soft tune to himself as he swept the cold tiles at the little cafe, where he works during breaks from school.

It was early December, and the petite blonde couldn't help but look forward to this month.

Winter had always been his favourite.

Niall let out a small sigh, setting the broom against the wall, which was made of cherry colored bricks.

"Niall!" A voice called from the kitchen and he jumped slightly, rushing to where he heard his name being called.

Giggles filled the quite vacant space as he took in the scene in front of him.

Louis, his co worker was covered from head to toe in flour. It was now possible he could camouflage with the white tile walls around.

"What-how-" Niall doubled over in laughter, arms around his stomach, cheeks turning a rosier pink.

"Oh, shut up," Louis scowled, ruffling his hair-which was still covered in the dusty, white powder- and huffed, placing his hands on his hips.

"Sorry, Lou. Here, let me," Niall approached the older boy with a small smile, recovering from the fit of giggles he had a few seconds ago.

Minutes later, Louis looked as normal as he could get, but managed to not be one hundred percent covered in flour.

"Welcome!" Niall chirped as he made his way out the kitchen, leaning against the wooden counter where the cashier was at along with a few gift cards and small paper bags filled with soft cookies.

"I never said thank you," Louis pointed out, a hint of tease behind his tone. He wiggled his eyebrows which somehow had a few specks of flour.

Niall decided to not comment or point that out, feeling a little mischievous.

"Well," Niall dragged out, his small fingers drumming against the counter.

"You should!"

"Now, now. That's not a reason to tha-"

The small ring of a bell chimed, signaling that someone has walked in.

Niall sent Louis a look as if to say this isn't over! but Louis just smirked and strolled back to the kitchen.

Niall didn't look up as his gaze was kept on the cashier, ready to put in some orders.

He was never one for eye contact, being too shy to hold it.

After a few moments of silence, Niall takes a step and looks up.

Green meets blue.

Niall composes himself, trying not to let his eyes linger on the man in front of him for too long.

To say he was stunning was an understandment.

Silky brown curls that reached to his shoulders, plump firm lips that were starting to form a smirk and oh how lovely does he look with dimples carving into his smooth cheeks.

Niall couldn't help but feel weird, as if he's seen this man before.

Nonetheless, he proceeded to take his order.

"What would you like?" Niall asks, his voice light and gentle, a sweet and innocent smile adorning his lips.

"Erm, I'll have the monkey granita, strong, please." (a/n: this is actually from urth caffe and it's delicious!)

Niall bites the inside of his cheek as the sound of his husky, deep voice fills his ears.

It's almost too familiar.

"And the banana muffin as well," the tall brunette adds, fishing his wallet out for his money.

Niall nods, and lets Louis know what their recent customer is asking for and he nods, getting to work.

The blonde fetches a banana muffin, handing it to man in a pink paper bag.

He freezes when those green eyes hold his with such an intense gaze.

Niall gulps nervously, feeling his cheeks heat up. He curses his fair skin.

"You really don't recognize me, do you?"

Okay wait what?

Niall's eyebrows knit together.

"Excuse me, what?" He voices his thoughts.

Once again, the stranger smirks.

Is he really a stranger?

Niall just can't recognize him, not exactly.

"Thought you were one with strong memory," he pauses,


alright it felt right to end it there omf i have no idea where i'm going with this, it's just a spur of the moment thing!

thank you to anyone that's reading :))

that's if..anyone is even reading, ha.

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