iv. wound

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Niall wiped the thin layer of sweat off his forehead, running his thin fingers through his now messy hair.

"All done?" Louis asked as he hung his apron on the wooden hook that was connected to the wall.

"Yep! Time to go, home sweet home." Niall sighed in bliss, smiling at the thought of settling under his warm blankets, reading his favourite books.

"Home sweet home indeed," Louis chuckled as they both walked out, locking the doors of the building.

Cara had left a while ago, her shift ending a bit earlier than theirs and Niall was a teeny bit grateful since the tall blonde had made countless comments about how Harry and Niall would make the cutest couple on earth.

Not to mention the countless times Niall also ducked his head down to hide his rosy cheeks.

"Be careful, yeah Ni?" Louis' tone was serious, as he wrapped the smaller boy up in a gentle embrace, pressing a quick kiss on his temple.

Niall giggled and swatted lightly at Louis, "Careful is my middle name, excuse you."

"Sassy one you are," Louis laughs, letting go.

Both lads met a few years back when they attended the same school. They sat together during lunch, sadly not having classes together since Louis was an unpper classmen. They soon became bestfriends and it eventually blossomed to something bigger, the two boys seeing eachother as brothers. Which is the reason why Louis can be protective of young Niall. And now, they work at the same place which appeared to be magnificent for both of them.

"I'll message when I get home safely, don't you worry." Niall smiles as he retrieves his bicycle. Shivers run throughout his body when he feels the cold handlebars, but gets on anyways.

With one last goodbye, Niall starts pedalling his way home at a normal pace, taking enough time to admire the city lights and the snow that ascended from the sky. Sloppy snowmen displayed on some front yards which were covered in white. Christmas lights adorned almost each house, making the neighbourhoods seem brighter, and overall more beautiful.

It seemed to have snowed heavily earlier, which is why the sidewalks were slippery with melted ice. Not so safe with wheels.

It was then when Niall felt the handlebars make a harsh turn, causing the bicycle to tip over and crash onto the wet sidewalk, along with Niall.

The blonde hissed softly as he felt a sting on his knee and quickly scrambled to sit properly, hugging his leg close to his chest as if it would make the pain disappear in an instant.

Small whimpers escaped his lips as he inspected the wound, frowning as he noticed his jeans had ripped from the scrape.

He took quiet, deep breaths, trying not to go into hysterics and start crying. After a few minutes, he managed to get up with the support of the wall of a shop behind him, and wobbled towards his bike, bending down on his good leg to pick it back up.
C'mon Niall, just a few more blocks.

The injured angel encouraged himself, limping his way home now instead of riding his bicycle. Puffs of fog clouded in front of him as he let out long breaths, signaling the freezing temperature.

Niall heard a slight shuffle behind him a few seconds later and he froze, shutting his eyes tight, ready for what's to come. His heartbeat increased, thumping wildly in his chest. Thumpthumpthump. He peeks one eye open and very slowly turns around, eyes widening, a sense of relief spreading through his veins.

"H-Harry?" The blonde asked in disbelief, his grip tightening on the bars.

Harry is stood in front of him, looking lovely in his black coat and signature brown boots. He nods and takes a few steps closer.
"Why are you out so late? A cute young boy like you shouldn't be alone in the dark," Harry smiled, his head aimed down at the now flustered blonde.

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