xiv. home

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"Ni, wake up." Louis whispers lowly, poking at the sleeping boy's cheek repeatedly, watching it get squished under his fingertips.

"Niall, bloody hell, wake up." Louis then nudges Niall harshly, causing the blonde to stir awake, mumbling incoherent words, slurry yawns escaping his light pink lips.

"Lou? The hell are you doing up so early?" Niall's accent is thick and his voice is groggy and dull, you can barely hear anything he's even saying.

"Someone's outside waiting for you." Louis smiles, taking a seat at the edge of the bed, watching in amusement as Niall sits up quickly, his blonde hair sticking up in different directions, looking very much disheveled.

"Wha-who?" Niall squints and rubs at his droopy eyelids with small fists, like a child would when they wake up, wandering off to the hallway with their teddy.

"Who else?" Louis had a malicious grin on his lips, remembering how Harry panicked over the phone as he asked Louis for advice.

The brunette wanted to take one little step further, and get at it by degrees, aiming high to get his angel back. Louis listened to him ramble and brainstorm until Louis suggested-

A date.

The praises and endless "thank you's" Harry repeated over the phone were still echoing around in Louis' brain, and the lad just welcomed him, suggesting that he should let Niall know about his plans.

But he he didn't expect Harry to take it very seriously and tell Niall the next day.

'Poor bastard', thought Louis. It was evident Harry just wanted to get Niall back already, but he had to take it slow and be patient, have a good pace.

"Harry?" Niall asks and reassures that his guesses were correct, with a little shy cute smile adorning his lips as soon as the green eyed boy invaded his thoughts.

It was Sunday morning, and the blonde didn't think he looked too pretty, dressed in a pair of pink sweats and a soft grey hoodie to keep him warm. Not to mention the horrible bed hair that drove Niall insane.

"Ni, just go! Don't get ready, just walk down there."

Niall looked at him with alarmed wide eyes.

"Are you crazy?" Niall hisses, untangling his legs from the sheets, quickly getting up, his feet touching his fluffy cream white carpet.

"I'm very much sane, thanks." Louis scoffs, getting up himself and walking up to Niall with a devilish smile.

"Lou? What are yo-"

Niall let out a yelp as his best friend quickly picked him up and threw him over his shoulder, already marching down the stairs, heading towards Harry, who was waiting outside on the porch, fiddling with the two rings wrapped snugly around his long, lean fingers. His ears perked up when he heard a few screams of complaint from the other side of the wooden door.

"Louis!" Niall punches at Louis' back, kicking his legs in attempt to be set free.

"Let me down now!" The blonde whines as he neared the door, letting out a mewl of defeat when Louis opened the door, and he feels the cold crispy winter air nip at his now red cheeks.

Finally, he's set back down on the floor and Niall's quick to give Louis a push, causing him to collide into the wall.

Niall glares at Louis and adverts his gaze from Harry, looking down at his feet which were only covered in his fluffy pink polka-dot socks, keeping them warm.

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