xi. break

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Rays of the bright, glowing sun shone through the window, illuminating the pink colored room as Louis separated the curtains completely, grinning wide when he heard Niall hiss behind him, like a vampire would do if it were exposed to light.

"Louis what in the world are you doing up at this time?" He asks, his tone thick with annoyance and disturbance. It felt as if it was the crack of dawn and Niall just wanted to sleep all day long.

"You can't miss this beautiful morning!" Beamed Louis, clapping his hands a little too loud, twirling around and about the room. He had picked up the piles of blankets he had made the night before as his bed and even cleaned up his best friend's room, giving a long look at the box of empty cookies as he threw it away. He'll definitely need to go back and get another dozen.

Niall cringes, thinking how it was even scientifically possible for someone to be this cheery at this time. Apparently, this was true for Louis' case.

"I'm pretty sure I can, while sleeping." Niall grumbles as his fists come up to rub cutely at his eyes, hoping that it would wipe off the sleep at least a little bit, like a toddler would do after their nap. Flashbacks invaded his mind from yesterday, his nose still tingling from where Harry's lips were on before he was basically pushed out the door by Louis. His tummy had a faint feeling of giddiness and butterflies and felt loopy, he still felt warm inside from being embraced by the tall brunette, and his cheeks hadn't changed from its pink shade at the fading touches from Harry's fingertips.

"And what are you thinking about that's got you all smiley and blushy hmm?" Louis hopped on Niall's bed, and he smirked, pausing.

"Wait, let me rephrase. Who are you thinking about? A certain boy maybe? Perhaps with green eyes and oh so long legs?" He spoke, teasing to the max and Niall giggles, tangled in the white soft sheets, lips lazily forming a smile as he weakly swats at Louis' bicep, blushing profusely because he was right, he was dead on right.

"Oh, shut up will you," Niall mumbles with a sheepish smile, covering his flushed face and Louis laughs, suddenly remembering about the last thing he did yesterday.

"Oh, by the way," he pauses dramatically, mouth open but no words come out. Niall raises an eyebrow, signaling for him to go on.

"You might want to check your phone. Like right now." He shoots a quick wink before scurrying off, most likely to make himself his Yorkshire tea that he always kept in a certain cabinet since he's regularly at Niall's house. It leaves Niall dumbfounded with a blank face, processing what Louis had said.

He doesn't know if he should be scared or excited. You never know with Louis.

After brushing his teeth and washing his face, he spots his phone on the nightstand and approaches it slowly, biting his lip nervously. Who knows what Louis meant. As he pressed the button, his eyebrows came together in utter confusion upon seeing a preview of an unknown message. His finger slides to the right, unlocking it as his eyes squint due to the blinding brightness.

His fingers lingered atop of the grey keyboard, scanning the message that consisted of sweet words and praises.

from: unknown number

Hi baby you're probably asleep right now and I hope you're having sweet dreams and if you're reading this, good morning. Wish I could see how beautiful you look when you wake up. H x

Niall giggles quietly to himself as he reads the message in his head, his hand pressed to his warm cheek to cool it down at least.

Even Harry had an effect on him although he wasn't there in flesh.
He couldn't help but snort at the last letter.

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