viii. give

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Niall released a content sigh as he locked the register box, securing it for the night. It has been a tiring and dragging day, making him forever grateful that it was then time to close up the cafe, meaning no more customers. No more numbers. No more headaches.

"Lou?" Mumbled Niall tiredly, rubbing his droopy eyes with small, balled up fists.

"Yes, Ni?"

"Can we just buy junk food and watch some christmas films?"

Niall thought of Louis' statement about 'celebrating' and he decided it would be best to stay in after a long day at work, away from the cold, harsh air that was wooshing through the streets outside, causing people to wrap their coats tighter around their bodies, trying to keep themselves warm. Well as warm as they can while last minute shopping for christmas presents.

"Of course, of course! Yeah, how about we stock up on cookies and other goodies? We can make ourselves some warm cappucinos or hot cocoa." The older lad pursed his lips, wagging his index finger, trying to remember a certain phrase.

"What are those called? DYU?" His voice expresses uncertainty, not one hundred percent sure he said it right.

"Oh! You mean DIY?" Niall giggles, looking behind his shoulder as they make their way to the door, one step closer to home.

Of course, he couldn't forget the wonderful rose that was sitting patiently in a cup the whole day, standing high and proud.

"Yes! That thingy," Louis' eyes brighten at the correct abbreviation, willing to remember it this time.

"Let's get going, then."

"Wait. How about I ride your bicycle and you sit on the little basket?" A mischievous grin appears on Louis' lips as he eyes Niall's pretty pink transportation when they step outside.

A frightened gasp escapes rosy parted lips, and blue eyes go wide, nervous laughs following.

"No, no! Do you want me to die, Lou?" Niall looks at him in disbelief. He's aiming to make the lad feel guilty and forget about the risky idea altogether.

"Nonsense! Don't be so dramatic, Horan. A bloody basket won't kill you. Now c'mon, it's getting late. We're burning daylight!" Louis ushers, getting a hold of Niall's narrow wrist, dragging him to where the bicycle was perched against.

Niall snorts quietly, rolling his eyes. There's no daylight to even start with. He questions the choice of best friend sometimes. But he wouldn't change this for anything in the world, not when he has someone as amazing and loveable person like Louis.

With numb fingers, Niall manages to unlock the chain and slip it in his pocket.

"Alright," he lets out a sigh. "How is this going to work?"

"The right way! Duh." Louis says as if it's the most obvious thing in the world.

I don't think it's right. And safe.

Niall bites the inside of his cheek as Louis hops on the bike, looking quite dashing, with his hands gripping the handlebars tightly.

"Your turn! I'll hold these moose lookin antlers, don't you worry about that." Louis nods and reassures, waving his hand.

"Here goes nothing," Niall mutters to himself. He places his feet on the metal next to the bike, using it for a boost, his back facing Louis who kept his promise, keeping the bicycle still, making sure it wasn't wobbly enough for Niall to lose balance and fall.

He wasn't quite the best at dealing with injuries. Let alone blood.

A loud yelp escapes Niall as he lets himself settle onto the basket, his bum fitting snug in it, his legs dangling out, in the air.

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