xviii. date

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"Don't think I've forgotten about that date I told you about, darling." Harry's low chuckle rang through the phone as Niall sat criss cross on his cream colored soft carpet, shiny pastel pink vinyl player in front of him.

A lovely shade of blush coats the apples of his cheeks and he carefully places an album down, gripping the phone with his tiny fingers, blue eyes widening, heart beating quickly than it was a few minutes before, or even before he had received Harry's call, because it was he who made his heart race and set the butterflies loose in his tummy as if it were a field in the beginning of spring.

"O-oh, you haven't?" Niall's voice was small, small and quiet as a mouse and Harry smiles, because his little angel was so delicate, so beautiful and precious.

"Mhm," Harry hums as he rests his phone between his shoulder and ear to grab a pair of his boots that he settled on wearing for tonight.

"How can I forget about the date I asked you to, angel?" Harry let out a small tsk tsk and turned around in his walk in closet, green eyes landing on the variety of black skinny jeans, contemplating on which one to wear.

As if they all looked different.

Niall smiles softly and sets his phone on the floor, leaving Harry on speaker while he tested the vinyl out, sighing in content when music started to play quietly, so clear and mellow.

The blondes cheeks are still dusted in rosy blush from Harry's words and he bites his bottom lip softly, literally biting back the smile that was threatening to grow.

"I'll pick you up around seven-ish, is that okay with you, love?" Harry waits for Niall's answer and grins when he hears the faint of music, knowing that Niall was using the vinyl player. He makes a mental note to head to the record store and buy a variety of vinyls for him soon and grabs a nice black shirt from the hanger, nodding to himself before laying it on his neatly made bed.

"Yes, that's perfectly fine with me." Niall nods, a giddy feeling building up in his tummy as he nods, chewing slightly on his nails, a habit he's grown to have whenever he got nervous.

"Alright," Harry chuckles, running his fingers through his unruly curls, "I'll pick you up then, yeah?"

"Wait!" Niall quickly says, "w-where are we going?" Niall shyly plays with his fingers and Harry smirks, knowing where this was headed.

"Not telling you, Ni." Harry smirks teasingly and the blue eyed beauty lets out a soft whine that has Harry feeling hot, hot hot and has his mind wandering, he's having intimate thoughts, and he craves to hear more pretty noises escaping his mouth.

"Why not?" Niall pouts cutely, bottom lip jutting out and Harry's raspy laugh echoes throughout Niall's room, making Niall smile a bit, because oh boy, was it a beautiful sound.

"Haven't you ever heard of a certain something called surprises?" Harry quirks and Niall lets out a small huff, nodding.

"Fine, fine. Can you at least tell me how I should dress?"

"Oh, baby. Preferably, it would be best if you wore nothing but those cute panti-"

"Harry!" Niall gasps, blue eyes widening as he hides his rosy cheeks, hiding them from no one, really.

"What, Niall? You did ask for my opinion, and I simply did what you wished for." Harry smirks devilishly (no pun intended) and oh, how he wishes he can be there to see Niall flustered and shy, not wanting to miss a single second of the work of art he is.

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