vii. falling

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"I think you went overboard with claiming these cookies were the best," Niall giggles as he munches on the the hard chocolate chip cookie, picking out the burned bits.

It all went downhill when Niall excused himself to the bathroom and Harry decided to wander around the house, leaving the unbaked cookies unattended in the oven.

"I was counting on you!" Niall whines, his nose scrunching up when he picked up an almost black burnt cookie from the plate.

"Hey hey hey! These cookies were made with love!" Exclaims Harry, wagging a weird looking cookie at the blonde before taking a bite.

"I didn't know love tasted like burned cookies." Niall mumbles under his breath, wiping some crumbs off the table.

Harry raised an eyebrow, a pointer look on his face.

"What was that?"

"Oh, nothing." Niall smiles sweetly, taking a sip of the warm caramel machiatto he made.

"Mhmm. Tell me, I didn't quite catch that." Harry pushes, his lips twitching up into a smirk.

"Well..." Niall starts, looking up.

"Not my fault you didn't catch that," he shoots back, setting his red and green colored mug on the table.

Such a sassy angel.

Harry thinks, chuckling to himself. He loved when Niall got like this, playful but snarky.

He inwardly sighs, wishing that wall wasn't in his mind. He just really missed Niall, he wished he could remember all the memories, all the special moments, the sweet kisses, the soft, warm cuddles in the mornings, the laughs, but most importantly, he wished that Niall could remember him.

"-don't taste that bad," Niall rambles, and whoa, when did he get this close?

Harry snaps out from his thoughts and rakes his fingers through his unruly curls, smiling slightly.

"Sorry love, I didn't catch that."

Niall lets out a breathy laugh, giving him a look.

"You don't catch much things, Harry." The blonde snorts, shaking his head.

I sure did catch you when you fell for me, and I'm willing to do it a million times more.

Harry's thoughts are aching to make their way out and roll off his tongue, for Niall to hear. But he keeps them in, knowing it'll take some time.

Some walls can be broken, others can't, depending on the sacrifice that was made for it to happen.

Harry hoped whoever did this didn't give up anything that made the blockade in Niall's mind eternally resistant.

"Ya know, you're being awfully deep in thought so far." Niall points out, licking the whipped cream from the drink off of his lips.

"Just in thinking mode, darling." Harry admits, but doesn't say that all his thoughts consisted of the boy in front of him.

"Would you like to talk about it?" Niall's voice is soft, his voice light and comforting.

Harry couldn't help but smile.

Niall hasn't changed one bit.

"No, no, maybe another time," Harry scoots his chair back, before standing up.

"I've gotta get going, it's getting late." Harry licks his dry lips, going over to retrieve his coat and slip it on, knowing it was outside.

"Oh, okay! I'll walk you out." Niall nods to himself, following the brunette outside, on the porch.

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