v. hellhound

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The next morning, Niall woke up bright and early, a sleepy smile appearing on his lips when he noticed the sun wasn't shining today, instead there were gloomy skies and light grey clouds.

Definitely his favourite.

Niall groggily disentangled his legs from the white warm sheets, feet padding on the wooden floor lightly as he made his way towards his closet to pick an outfit for the day.

He went with his usual skinny jeans along with a white t-shirt and a baby blue sweater.

As he got dressed, he couldn't help but wonder if Harry would make his daily visit and drop by the café today. Yesterday's events were still fresh in his head and he couldn't stop the giddy feeling that kept swelling in his tummy at the thought of the curly haired lad. God knows what would've happened if Harry didn't show up and help Niall.

His knee didn't hurt as much, but it's definitely well healed. Niall shook out of his thoughts and proceeded on getting ready, fixing his blonde hair up into a messy quiff. He quickly slipped on his white converse and walked down the stairs, one step at a time. He's learned his lesson on not taking two when he ended up injuring his arm and had to have a pink cast for a few months.

"Morning mum!" Niall greeted brightly, his mouth watering slightly at the smell of bacon and biscuits.

"Morning, love. Breakfast is just ready," Maura wiped her wet hands on the apron, setting up the table for them two.

Greg had moved to America for his studies, his dream university being located on the other side of the world, sadly. He'd visit every few months and show up on their doorstep with wrapped gifts on Christmas Eve.

As Maura and Niall ate in comfortable silence, the blonde just couldn't stop thinking about yesterday.

"And what is going through that little head of yours?" Maura asked with a teasing tone, smiling.

"O-oh nothing, mum." He smiles sheepishly and blushes, then starts to eat the pieces of pancakes he cut up himself so that he won't talk, his mouth preoccupied.

The short woman in front of him only pursed her lips and squinted her eyes, a suspicious look on her face and Niall smiled at the best of his ability, finding it quite hard when his cheeks were full of pancakes.

"I've got work in a few, but you'll be alright when you get home yeah? I'll leave dinner so you can heat it up." She spoke softly, taking a sip of her tea. Maura worked as a nurse, and at times she'd have late shifts, like today. Which means Niall would be home alone.

Niall nods, wiping his lips with the napkin from the small stack. "Thanks mum, I'll do it when I come home."

"You know, you don't have to work for all this. I can pay for the books you need in university. No need to work, Niall." Maura sighs, a small frown on her face.

"Mum, it isn't all bad. I've got my friends to work with, and I enjoy working there. Besides, it's better to do things yourself, be more independent. It's okay, really." Niall smiles, reassuring his mum that she doesn't need to waste her money on him for his education.

"Alright, alright." Maura chuckled softly, sighing at how stubborn her son was.

"Good. I've got to go now, don't want to be late!" Niall scoots his chair back and stands up to kiss his mum's cheek goodbye before grabbing the house keys and his phone.

A small smile etched onto his lips when he climbed on his bicycle carefully, having more caution than before. The streets were somewhat less wet today, thankfully. Niall didn't think Harry would be there to help him again.

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