iii. halo

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Niall woke up bright and early the next morning, ready for another day at work.

He loved school and learning, but working at the cafe was surely something different.

He did his usual routine, and picked out his favourite lavender soft sweater to wear along with skinny jeans.

He decided to let his hair flat today, blonde fringe sitting atop of his forehead, making him seem more cuddly and warm than he already is.

Kissing his mum's cheek goodbye, he grabbed his pastel pink colored bicycle, hopping on.

The cool wind softly nipped at his rosy cheeks, and he mentally cursed at himself for not wearing a scarf.

He couldn't help but think if he would see someone again in particular.

Setting his bicycle along the railings and chaining it, he made his way inside the small building, sighing in bliss when the smell of sweet cinnamon filled his nostrils.

Louis greeted him immediately, wrapping the blonde up in a hug.

"Ready for your second day?"

Niall smiled, already putting on the burgundy apron.

"As always!"

"Lou?" Niall asked in a hesitant voice.

"Yeah?" Louis quirked an eyebrow.

"Nevermind," Niall shook his head.

With squinty suspicious eyes, he stared at the thoughtful blonde, but let it go.

Hours passed, customers came in and left, some were downright rude, but Niall kept on a cheery face, thinking they probably have had a bad day.

Niall's nimble fingers started to ache slightly. Being a cashier wasn't easy, but he didn't mind.

The bells chimed again, signalling either an exit or a welcoming, and Niall couldn't help but shiver when a whoosh of cold air flew in.

It was during his break around sunset when Niall noticed a couple walk in, cuddled in eachothers arms, trying to shield eachother from the cold.

Niall watched with a fond smile, taking a sip of his coffee.

Besides himself and Louis, there was Cara and Sam, in total there were 4 workers, each changing shifts at times if one was on their break.

There were countless times where they all would get a good laugh when guys intended to hit on Cara, seeing as she was attracted to girls. They always barked at the wrong tree.

Niall looked across the room, watching as Cara took their orders. He noticed the taller boy had these brown puppy eyes, along with dark brown hair, and the other had the longest eyelashes he's ever seen. (a/n: i just had to add in ziam, they're too cute)

The couple were bundled up in their coats and scarves, yet were still trying to keep each other warm. Cute.

Niall sighed softly, setting his white, stained coffee cup on the small plate. His break was up, and he had go back to the cashier.

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