ii. wall

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Niall gave the man a crazed look, blue eyes widening.

What the-

"Wait, hold on. How do you even know my name?" Niall questions. His thoughts are all scrambled in his mind, not knowing what the hell is happening.

A cheeky, wide grin etched onto the man's face, making his dimple appear.

"Tsk, tsk, Niall," he tutted, shaking his head lightly.

Niall just became more and more puzzled as words kept flowing out of the brunette's lips who looked quite amused.

"Nevermind that," he waves it off before extending his large hand, a few rings wrapped around his long, delicate fingers.

Niall gave a skeptical look, but being the naive boy he was, shook hands with the taller man in front of him, managing a small smile.

"'M Harry, Harry Styles." He introduces, and Niall thinks the name fits him quite well.

"Pleasure to meet you, Harry," Niall tests the name as it rolls off his tongue. He thought it was best to brush off the strange encounter and move on.

But in a far corner of his mind, he's aching to find out how Harry knows his name.

He wouldn't have been this curious if he was wearing the light brown tag with his name engraved on it.

"Feeling is mutual here, darling." Harry nods, taking a few seconds to admire the blonde in front of him, who's cheeks are now tinted with the loveliest shade of pink.

Harry almost coos at how adorable the sight was, such a pure one. Entirely different from any others he has had in the past.

Opposite, if you must.

As soon as Niall parted his lips to say something, Louis came barging through the kitchen door, with Harry's drink in hand.

His eyes landed on Harry and the atmosphere in the cafe suddenly grew a bit tense.

"There you are, Lou!" Niall beamed, taking the drink from his hands and handing it to Harry who smiled politely, paying for what he purchased.

"Keep the change, Ni," The nickname slipped and Harry wished them a good night before exiting, the bell ringing as it did when he strolled in.

As he walked out, he definitely knew something was wrong.

His precious Niall didn't remember him, he didn't recognize.

It was as if he had a...

a wall.

A wall emerged in his mind, a barrier that makes him forget certain things.

Certain memories.

Harry's jaw clenches at the thought of someone doing such a thing, a painful process just to hide a bit of his past.

He was going to find who did it.

Most importantly why they did it.

Harry shivered slightly and pulled his coat tighter around him, his brown boots trudging through the faint snow on the sidewalk as he walked to his car.


"Niall," Louis started as soon as Harry had left.

"Who was that?"

Niall grinned, blue eyes gleaming. He glanced at the small round clock on the wall and started to untie the strings of the apron since it was already past nine. He folded the thin piece neatly and set it under the counter.

"That was Harry! He was very charming," the blonde swooned, clasping his hands behind his back, remembering how clear the shade of green in his eyes were.

Louis was cautious, knowing how innocent and naive Niall was, he felt the need to look out for anything the blonde couldn't detect, any red flags.

Louis chuckled, ruffling Niall's fluffy, blonde hair, earning a squeal and a few light slaps to his arm.

"Be careful Niall, really." He said in a serious tone, looking at Niall, shaking a finger at him.

The blue eyed boy rolled his eyes, smiling and nodding.

"Yes, sir Tomlinson!" He did a salute, giggles flowing freely from his lips.

Louis smiled fondly before giving Niall's bum a playful slap, making the small boy yelp and start closing the cafe.

Hello again! I'm so sorry this isn't great, but i hope it progresses!

Just to clear things! Niall is very much aware he's an angel, but can't remember Harry (it's there, but very faint)

If you're reading this, you're a lovely nugget and i hope you smile lots :)))

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