ix. fort

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"I'm surprised we didn't crash and die back there with the speed you were going at. You could've popped the tires or something!" Nial rambled and complained, breathless as him and Louis both trotted down the snowy path to Niall's house.

"The only thing I'll be poppin' is my booty, excuse you." Louis remarks, narrowing his eyes at his best friend.

Niall then burst into a fit of laughter, almost falling forward, putting the box of cookies at risk and it was at that moment that Louis saw his life flash before his eyes, all in slow motion.

He wasn't even worried about Niall falling face first, no no, but afraid he would fall face first on the cookies.

"Whoa, whoa, be careful there," Louis chuckles nervously. "Don't want to hurt yourself." He says all the while staring at the cookies, not once looking at the blonde next to him.

Niall scoffs thickly, and manages to hold up the box with one small hand, balancing it on his flat palm, bringing up the other to smack Louis hard on the back of his head.

"Ow!" Louis hisses at the blow, when in reality, with Niall's small hands, it was actually a bloody pat.

"Hey, that's what you get for caring about cookies more, you dork." Niall grins, giggling when Louis still has his hand rubbing at his head with a scowl on his face, directed towards Niall.

It was normal since both boys always got along like this, it's what makes their friendship special and worthy. Goofing off daily, being there for each other when it's needed. They balanced eachother out, in a way. They learned from eachother, and carved laughs from each other. Both lads wouldn't change this for the world, for anything else.

They were honestly like brothers.
"If we were messaging I'd send you one that would have your name, the greater than symbol, then cookies." Louis flashes a toothy grin, boopy nose scrunching up as a faint speck of snow lands on the tip of it, quickly dissolving into a tiny droplet.

"Aww, Lou!" Niall beams, his blue eyes seeming brighter, gleaming under the colorful lights that reflected beautifully from his pale, soft skin.

Louis ruffles his blonde hairs, causing a few strands to stick out randomly here and there. He chuckles at his masterpiece, along with a glaring Niall.

"Can you knock on the door? My mum should be home." Niall shivers slightly, bringing the box closer to him. Looking down, he smiles at the rose that was perched on the surface of the thin, pink cardboard, where he had placed it after he got off the bicycle, which took more than ten minutes.

Three knocks to the door and a few seconds later, it opens, revealing a smiling Maura with reading glasses sitting on the bridge of her nose, purple fluffy slippers covering her feet.

"Louis, dear! Glad to see you again! Come in, come in, it's freezing out there." She ushers both boys inside the warm house, closing the door shortly after.

"Hello Ms. Ho-"

"Maura," the small lady corrects, a knowing look on her face. They've been through this a handful of times.

"Alright, alright. Maura." Louis chuckles, and a satisfied nod comes from Maura.

"Better. Now, you both can help yourselves in the kitchen, I'll go back to reading my book." She chuckles and dismisses herself and heads back to her chair next to the fireplace, but not before placing a kiss on Niall's head.

"Mummy's little boy." Louis coughs, bringing up a closed fist to his lips, making it appear to be as if he was going through a coughing storm.

"Just remember who has the cookies in their hands at this moment, yeah?" Niall smiles sickenly sweet, then starts walking upstairs to his room, sighing happily when they reach it.

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