xvii. special

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The loud ring of Niall's phone is the first thing Niall hears when he wakes up and he groggily reaches towards it, eyes squinting in response to the illuminating brightness. He can't help but roll his eyes and smile when he sees the contact picture, swiping his finger along the green button to answer the call.


Niall's voice is thick and laced with sleep since it's too early, too early for phone calls, but of course Louis would be calling him at this time.


And oh, that rung in his ears loudly, and it must have been as worst as standing right next to a bloody freight train as it roars by.

The blonde groans and pulls his phone away, cringing slightly, rubbing at his ear, feeling as if his eardrums had just popped.

How can someone have to much energy at these hours of daylight?

"What do you want, Lou?" Niall grumbles, rubbing at his eyes in hopes to get rid of any sleep he has within, because he adores sleep, and it's total bliss being able to wake up without getting ready for school or work and just laying in bed.


"It's Christmas! What do you mean what do you want, can't I, your bestest friend in the whole wide world wish you a merry Christmas and wake you up with such joy to the world?" Louis rants over the phone, a tone of playfulness hid in his voice, and Niall can just see the boy with his hands placed on his hips, talking a mile a minute.

Niall giggles softly, his hand over his lips to minimize the volume of his laughs and then sighs quietly with a smile, leaning up to rest his weight down on his elbow, phone still pressed against his ear. He snuggled deeper into the blankets like a chick would under a lamp that radiates light and hazy warmth.

"Of course you can, silly, yeah, you can wish your bestest friend a merry Christmas," Niall says softly and nods, "even if it's at the crack of dawn, especially at that time."

Louis' cackles are heard over the receiver and he chuckles over Niall's sarcasm, grinning wide because the blonde can't really stay mad at him or hold grudges even if he tried.

Symptoms of being an angel maybe?

"You can't just sleep in on Christmas, Ni, you're doing it wrong!" Louis hollers loudly and Niall is most sure that his mum heard him from the other room.

"But we don't have work today, Louuuu." Niall whines, a cute little pout forming on his rosy lips, bottom lip jutting out.

"Yeah, I'm aware," Louis nods, "your point is?"

A huff escapes Niall's lips and he shakes his head, crinkling his freckled nose.

"Never mind, Louis. You're helpless," the petite pretty blonde grumbles, wiping a hand down his face.

"Anyway, I'm stopping by to drop off your present so you better be prepared!"

Niall's eyes are wide and he's shaking his head-he never fails to feel bad when someone purchases him something, and it just makes his heart ache.

"Lou, you didn't." Niall murmurs, toying with a loose string on the sheets, twirling it around his finger before letting it unwind, pawing at it like an entertained, intrigued curious kitten.

"Oh yes, I did." Louis smiles because he knows, he knows how much Niall doesn't approve of getting things bought for him and how it's an overwhelming gesture, no matter what it is.

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