xvi. company

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"Be quiet!" Niall hisses and holds up a finger as they basically intrude Louis' home, trying not to trip over anything. The birthday boy's house wasn't too far from Niall's, and with the help of Harry's car, they made it there rather quickly right after they woke up, tangled in the warm sheets, wrapped in one another. 

"I'm trying here," Harry whispers not so lowly, cursing his pigeon feet that make it impossible to walk without tripping once in a while.

"Try harder!" Niall giggles quietly, slowly setting a foot on the first stair, before proceeding, cringing when it made a loud squeak! noise, and he mentally groans, because of course, of course, the stairs had to creak.

As Niall went up the stairs trying to make the smallest noise possible with gift in is hand, Harry couldn't help but reach up with a smirk and grab at Niall's perky bum, squeezing softly, causing Niall to let out a squeal and jump, sending him off balance and tripping. Harry was quick to catch the angel in his arms, chuckling lowly while Niall huffed and gained his balance, holding onto the rail this time.

They finally make it up top to the second floor and Niall looks to the left, then right, checking if the coast was clear before nodding, leading the way to Louis' bedroom where the lad was most likely in. They tip-toe across, and Niall quietly opens the door, letting out a breath when he spots Louis sprawled out like a starfish on his bed, loud snores escaping his parted lips where slight drool was dribbling down his chin and Niall stifles his laughter by covering his mouth.

How were those snores not heard from downstairs?

"Alright," Niall whispers, and Harry has an arm wrapped around the blonde's waist, hand snugly settled on his hip.

Niall ignores the blush creeping up to his soft cheeks and Harry thinks it might be the most precious little thing he has to refrain from cooing at the small blonde.

"On the count of three, we're going to start singing happy birthday, yeah?" He looks up at Harry who grins, dimples on display and nods, squeezing Niall's side gently.

"Got it."

"Okay," Niall whispers, looking at Harry with careful blue eyes.

"One, two, th-"

"Happy bi-"

"Wait!" Niall slaps his hand on Harry's lips, eyes narrowing.

"Wait, is it after three or on three?" Harry raises an eyebrow, and Niall sighs, a small humorous smile on his lips.

"It's always after three, silly." Niall grins and Harry nods, his lips parting into an o shape, understanding better now.

"Alright take two!" Niall holds two fingers up and gives a toothy grin.

They start all over again, this time in sync, and halfway through their singing Louis stirs awake, sleepily sitting up, rubbing off the sleep in his eyes, an award-winning smile on his lips when he sees the two in front of him, and starts clapping when they're done, watching them with bright eyes.

"Happy birthday Lou," Niall grins wide and leans in, giving his best friend a tight hug, hearing Louis murmur a "thank you" in his ear.
"You're one of the lucky ones," Harry chuckles as he gives Louis a hug as well, and the lad raises an eyebrow.

"Your birthday is literally a day before Christmas," Niall fills in, and Louis smirks knowingly.

"Ah, this is for you," Niall smiles and hands the neatly wrapped box with a bow on top to Louis and he watches fondly as Louis gasps, giving another hug to his friend.

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