xiii. safe

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"A what?!" Louis shrieks, attracting attention from people around them, and Harry hushes him.

"Shh! You heard me," The brunette hisses at Louis and it takes a few seconds, minutes for it to sink in.

"But why? W-why would they shapeshift into you?" Niall asks in such a puzzled tone. There must be a reason why they did it and also why they did that in front of Niall, same time and the same place.

It couldn't have been just a coincidence.

"I really don't know." Harry sighs, giving Niall's small hand a gentle squeeze, trying to keep them both calm.

"But I do know that there's someone out there, and they're up to no good."

Niall gulps dryly, a shiver running down his spine.

Why can't there be good people all over the world?

Of course, the answer to that is a complicated infinite explanation.

"They're out to get one of us."

"Can I be Niall's bodyguard then?" Louis chimes, raising his hand in mid air as if volunteering as tribute.

"Lou." Niall narrows his blue eyes at him, giving him a look.

"What? I'm serious here!" The lad nods, and Harry sighs deeply.

"Wait, Louis' right. Just...don't leave him alone or by himself, okay?"

And now Niall was starting to get a bit frightened.

"Yes, sir." Louis says firmly, and he can just be so ridiculous at times, but Niall manages to put up with his best friend.

"Good. I've got to get going, but keep an eye out." Harry gets up, but not before leaning down to press a loving kiss on Niall's forehead, letting his lips linger on his soft skin, wishing he could stay longer.

"Message me if anything, please darling." Harry whispers, holding Niall's gaze with gentle green eyes.

Niall only nods with a cute smile and blushes slightly, murmuring a small "I will."

With one last kiss to the cheek, Harry is gone and out of the mall, probably to investigate further or as.


"Yes Ni?"

"Will we be okay?"

Louis' eyes soften and he makes his way over to Niall, embracing him tightly, running his fingers through his fluffy, blonde hair to soothe the boy.

"I can't promise anything, but we can try to make everything okay." He smiles, rubbing Niall's back in small circles.

"Let's go home, yeah?"

Perhaps that's the best idea Louis has ever had.


"It's Christmas in two days, in case you didn't know." Niall pipes up from the passenger seat, Louis driving back home from the mall.

Niall had frantically dug in the different bags he had right before they made their way out, searching for the soft pink fluffy scarf he purchased at Forever 21. He gave himself a mental high five for doing so since it came in very handy once their faces collided with the harsh, cold breeze outisde.

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