xv. hey angel

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Later that night, Louis wouldn't stop rambling and making plans for Niall's date. It seemed like Louis was the one that was going out on a date, and Niall just waved him off, exclaiming how silly he was. But really, the blonde was extremely giddy about it. He knew Harry was a charming guy, and that he would have a good time with him.

It took Louis an hour to leave while Niall walked him to the front door, hugging him a few times goodbye.

As soon as Niall shut the door, he dashed to his room and scrambled under his bed to retrieve the FIFA game that he had bought yesterday, the one that Louis was looking dreamily at as he pressed his nose against the glass window, making it foggy.

He had also gotten him an Adidas hoodie, since the boy seems to be infatuated with the brand and seems like a walking promotion of it. Niall's even joked about it and mused on about how he wouldn't be surprised if one day Louis appeared in one of their ads.

Running down the stairs and praying he wouldn't fall and break his knee, Niall went to the kitchen, searching for a couple of boxes, ignoring his mum's questioning looks as he gave her a thumbs up and a wide smile, accompanied with pink coated cheeks.

Finally, the small Irishman found three different sized boxes, the smallest one being a cereal box. He was planning to place a box within box, the last item being the game for Louis.

Niall giggles to himself as he envelops the boxes with wrapping paper full of colorful balloons and cakes. Louis' reaction would be priceless when he comes across not one box, not two boxes, but three.

As he wrapped gifts, he hummed softly along to various Christmas songs, smiling to himself as he sat on the pink warm rug, along with a mess of tape, wrapping paper scraps, scissors, and labels that had to's and from's along with reindeers and snowmen.

He placed all the gifts to the side of his room when finished wrapping, smiling in content as he plopped down on his bed, snuggled under the sheets, pulling out his computer to log onto Netflix.

As he's watching reruns of Friends, he feels his phone buzz, making him jump slightly and grab the device, feeling the heat rush to his cheeks and the butterflies pool and settle in his tummy when he opens a message.

from: Harry

Baby, are you home?

Niall's eyebrows scrunch together as his blue eyes scan the words.

Why would he be asking?

As different thoughts and possibilities ran through his mind, he heard a noise at his window, causing his heart rate to speed up.

Slowly and carefully, Niall slipped out from underneath the covers and tip toed around his bed, peeking through his white curtains, letting out a yelp full of freight seeing a figure right outside of his window, crouching down.

But it all seemed like a false alarm when Niall barely caught bright green eyes illuminating in the dark. Not to mention the wide grin that Harry had on his lips as Niall came into view, with alarmed blue eyes and disheveled blonde hair, as well as rosy cheeks from the heater that was in the room, keeping him warm.

"Harry, what are you doing here?" Niall whispers lowly, letting the grinning brunette in, shutting the window afterwards, not wanting the harsh December air to enter, mixing with the crisp warm atmosphere.

"My mom's just a few roo-"

Niall didn't quite get to finish his started sentence because the brunette is leaning forward, automatically wrapping his arms around Niall's waist, bringing him close and holding him tight, burying his face in the warm crook of Niall's neck, his curls tickling at his cheeks making Niall scrunch his nose and smile, because he love hugs, he especially loves Harry's hugs that are so inviting and feel like home.

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