xii. theory

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Niall could feel an intense pounding in his ears, the queasy feeling rushing through his now cold veins, and oh-he felt like rushing to the bathroom to throw up and empty his stomach along with the remains of his shattered heart.

"L-lou," Niall mumbles, his soft voice cracking, just like his heart was. Cracked and crumbled to pieces.


"Niall, Ni. What is it? You look so pal-" his eyes eventually follow Niall's longing gaze and his jaw clenches tight, suddenly feeling a rush of emotions.

Shock, disbelief, pity, wrath, sympathy.

Sympathy for his best friend in front of him, taking all of this in, and he hates, he absolutely loathes and detests seeing Niall unhappy, if he were to wish for one thing in the world is for the angel to always be happy.

It's heartbreaking even seeing him cry, which looked like he was about to do, his wide blue eyes glistening and glossy with threatening tears that were about to spill and cascade over his now pale cheeks.

"Give me your phone." Louis' tone is calm and low, which seemed scary, very frightening. It's evident that he's pissed. It isn't evident in his voice, but the tone in which he says those four words.

With numb and shaky hands, Niall quickly unlocks his phone and hands it over to Louis, who starts pressing on the screen right away.

What was this boy up to?

Louis then presses his phone to his ear, signalling he was calling someone. His jaw was still set and his blue eyes were icy, his look as hard as stone.

Niall glanced to where Harry was, a pang hitting his chest and he suddenly regrets-he regrets it with a passion even looking that direction again.

This time rushed tears spilled, running down his cheeks and the blonde frantically wiped at his eyes with his sleeves, trying to make it stop. Crying in public was so hard not to do, it was impossible to keep it all in, keep it bottled up when all you want to do is curl up and cry, wail, let the agonizing screams echo through the lonely walls. He just wanted to break down all at once. It shouldn't hurt, but Niall just can't help it, he can't help the tearing pain within him, he wishes it can go away and wishes this didn't affect him so much.

"Yeah, Harry? Where are you?" Niall snaps out of his miserable thoughts and looks at Louis, blinking repeatedly, his eyelashes sticking together and clumping with the wetness of tears, his eyelids swollen and puffy.

"At your house, eh?" Louis says bitterly, raising his eyebrows. His fingers are tapping against the grey specked table, but he needs to remain collected and calm. Louis knows Niall hates violence, hates loud noises and booming yells that has him flinching and covering his ears.

"Listen here, Harry. I don't know what you're up to but don't you dare play with Niall like this. He's innocent, pure, and you're just going to barge in and ruin that? I thought you were different." Louis snaps and seethes, clutching Niall's phone tightly and his knuckles are turning white from the strong grip and he's actually scared his phone was going to break.

That's enough broken things for today.

"What am I talking about?! What am I-you know what, Harry? Go to hell. Oh wait," Louis chuckles, a sick laugh that makes Niall cower a slight bit.

"Don't play the innocent card, because it's not going to work. We can see you as of right now." Louis looks up again and looks for the familiar curly haired brunette, his eyes landing on the pair who were now holding hands tightly, pointing out things here and there.

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