Chapter 45- His Precious

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Chapter 45 - His Precious 

I was on my way to school when I feel my phone rang. I took it and answered the call.

"Hello.." I said to the person over the phone.

"Hey! Jessy!... Can you please take the other stuffs at Trevor's house? We seriously need it now tho..." The guy said over the phone. It's actually Harvey.

"Why ?........ I mean, why do we need to get it there? He can actually bring it with him when he go to school..." I responded.

"His maid called earlier saying, he can't go to school now... " He responded.

"Why? I thought all the USG members need to go to school now?" I responded.

"Yeah.. but.... Idk?... Just... go and get those stuffs and bring it here as soon as you can. We really need it. I'm gonna text you his address, ok? Bye!! " He said in a hurry.

I was about to complain but he ended the call already. ~sighs~

I have no choice but to go to his house. -_-

Damn this guy.. What comes into his mind for not attending the preparation? Urgghhh... He's srly a damn ass guy.

Today is Saturday and we're actually preparing for the Christmas ball. Its compulsory for us to do this because we're part of the USG officers. Our president divided the tasks to all the officers and we, first year representatives were given the task to decorate the event area.

Trevor was the one who bought the things that we needed and he also started some of the decoration in their house. But damn him! Why the heck he won't attend the preparation.

Tho..... he actually done his part, but still!

Besides, I also wanted him to be there.... >.< . I know it will be boring for me if he won't attend. ~sighs~

Harvey texted me his address, I actually know the place so it's easy for me to find it.

After a couple of minutes, I arrived in front of their house.

I scanned their house and as what I saw, IT'S HUGE! Like hell...

I then made my way to press the doorbell.

After a minute, a girl in uniform opened the gate. I guess she's their helper.

"Uh... Good morning.. Is Tre-.." The girl cut my words.

"This way ma'am." She responded without knowing who I am. She opened her arms saying I'm welcome to enter. I then made my way to where she lead me.

She haven't know me tho.. Why did she just let me come in?... Tsss.. whatever...

"Ma'am just wait here, I'm gonna call Sir Trevor." The girl told me and offer me to sit.

I just nodded and sat on the couch. She might knew what's my purpose here.

While I'm sitting on the couch, I scanned their house and it amazed me.... It's seriously big! It's like they were a big family living in here. The furnitures were awesome and the color of the house too! It's white, so refreshing.

"Hello..." A cracky voice I heard at my back that made me to jump from the couch and face who ever that was.

"Uh-hh... Hi! Good morning... I'm Trevor's classmate. I just came here to get some stuffs from him.. uhhh " I responded to the person who is sitting on the wheelchair. She look old tho.

I kinda felt nervous >..< Damn Trevor.

"I know." The woman responded and smile to me.

"Uhh.. " I said and smiled back.

"I'm Maria Ashley ( Jongjiley :3), Trevor's Grandma. Nice to meet you... ??" She said and offered me her right hand to shake.

I then immediately took her hand and shook it.

"Uh-- Jessy.. Jessy Sheine Arca... Nice meeting you too ma'am." I responded with a smile.

"Ah.. Jessy... Come and sit." She said and moved at the side of the couch and offer me to sit on it.

I then sat on the couch and thanked her. She seems nice tho.

"So you're Trevor's classmate?" she asked.

"Yes ma'am..." I responded with a shy tone.

"Owh... Trevor's barely invite his classmates nor friends to come here... It surprised me he invited someone today.." She said and looked at me with a smile.

"Uhh.... eh..... hehe..." My speechless respond to her, I then gave her a shy smile. I'm so damn shy.

She's Trevor's Grandma. And she's the one why Trevor stayed here in the country, to give her care. And Trevor's always telling me about her, how he loved his grandma and how she is important to him.

And now, I'm talking to the most important person in his life. It makes me nervous.

"You're pretty... " She said that compliment me.

"Uhh... thank you ma'am..." I responded and bowed my head because of shyness.

"You might be important to him." She said that surprised me.

"Uh..." I responded, still speechless.

I felt like my blood increased after hearing those words from his Grandma @.@

"Trevor changed after he entered the Sandford University." She said that made me look at her. She then made her way to the table and looked at the pictures displayed there.

I scanned those pictures and saw their family.

"He changed?" I asked out of curiosity. 

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