Chapter 2

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Skylar’s POV

“Skylar stand up or we’ll be late!” my dad yells through my door.
“I’m up already just let me finish my outfit!” I yell back and continue searching for something nice to wear. In the end I settle for a pair of skinny jeans and a simple baggy t-shirt. I quickly brush my teeth and hair, put on my green converse and a jacket and run down where my dad already waits for me.

“Happy birthday Sky” he says smiling at me and hands me a present.
“Thank you dad” I say and hug him tightly.
“Now open your present.”
I do as he says and I can’t believe my eyes.
“Thanks, but… but” I say not able to form a whole sentence.
“Don’t look like you saw a unicorn” he chuckles.

“But you bought me a set of make-up, high heels and even a dress! I thought I have to pretend to be a boy?” I ask confused.
“I’m so sorry for making you pretend to be a boy. But it had to be and I’m sorry to say but you have to continue pretending to be a boy” he says looking sad.
“But why did you buy me these then?” I ask him confused and sad. I can’t stop pretending to be a boy. I should have known that he wouldn’t let me.

“I bought you these for the party you are going to tomorrow” he tells me. For which party and why can I go there as a girl? My dad seems to notice that I don’t understand and continues.
“Open the make-up box” he says smiling again. I open it and find a key – a car key! He bought me a car! I run outside quickly and look around searching for the car.

“You’re looking for this?” asks Liam who I haven’t seen yet. I quickly turn around to see him lifting a blanket from a brand new Jeep Grand Cherokee.
“Oh my god!” I yell running over to where it stands and hugging it.
“Dude, what are you doing?” laughs Liam.

I don’t care he can laugh as much as he wants but I’m not going to let go of my car.
“Boys come in you have to eat something before we can go hunting!”
Pouting I let go of my car and join Liam who is already running towards my house. Hungry bastard is still laughing so I run faster and knock him over. Before he can jump on me for payback I run into my house and sit down.

When Liam comes in looking furious I just smile at him. “Hungry?” I ask and he just grumbles and sits down. We eat our pancakes in record time and jump up to go outside where the rest of the hunting party already waits for us.
“Let’s go!” my dad orders and we all speed into the woods.
When we are deep in the woods I catch the smell of a deer. My wolf can’t think of anything else but to catch it. So I slowly go in the direction of the deer until I see it. It stands only three meters away and doesn’t notice me. So I jump out behind the bush I was hiding and run towards it. When it sees me it quickly runs away but not quick enough. I bit into its leg before it can run away then I lung for its throat. The taste of blood fills my mouth and I let go.

When I turn around I notice that the whole pack was watching me. They all look pleased and run to my side to gather up the deer. As Liam steps out behind some trees a death deer in his fangs the rest of the pack members run to him and take it away.
“You did good boys” the alpha says sounding satisfied “now let’s head back”

When we arrive at my house I go straight for the door. I just want to relax a bit but of course I don’t get what I want. The moment I step into the house all lights go on and at least fifty people jump out of their hidings yelling happy birthday to me. I fake a smile and let them all hug me. There are so many people. Since my dad is well known in our town and he invited everyone that he knows almost everyone in this town came to my party. Some of my aunts who live far away are here too and don’t want to let go of me telling me how tall I got. When they are all finished we go outside where the female pack members have already set out food.

We all sit down at a huge table and some of the wolves serve us food. Liam sits down next to me a big smile on his face. “Great food” he states and I can’t hold in a chuckle. He always thinks about food, food and video games. I wonder how he can be that smart at school without even looking into our books once. It’s sometimes even scary how smart he is.

My father clears his throat and everybody turns their heads in his direction. “You all know why you are here. It’s my sons sixteenth birthday. In only two years he is going to take my place and Liam is going to stand by his side as his beta. I can’t be prouder of Skylar. He’s everything I could wish for and I’m happy to see that all of you came to party with us. Happy birthday again Skylar” he says smiling in at me. All people cheer and some of them shout another happy birthday in my direction. I know that they all just want to be nice but I hate it. I hate the whole attention they give me. I’m not one for big parties.

When we finished eating Liam and I stand up to go back to his house where he wants to give me something. He disappears in his house telling me to wait outside for him. Why did he get me a present I told him that I don’t want anything. It’s just like him not to do what I told him. I wonder how it will work when I have to lead the pack. Not much later Liam opens the door and hands me a small present. “I told you not to get me anything”
“I know”
“Why did you get me something when I told you not to?”
“Because I wanted to” he answers.

I let out a sigh and take the present from him. I open it to find a box of condoms.
“Liam!” I yell at him. I see how he tries to hold in his laugher but he gives up the fight and just burst out in laugher. He can be such a jerk sometimes. Why did he have to get me condoms? It’s just ridiculous since I’m a girl I don’t even need them. And most werewolves don’t have sex until they find their mates it’s just natural he should know that.

“You know I’m not having sex with anyone but my mate” I tell him sternly.
“Yeah but since you are sixteen now it won’t take you long to find her” he says smiling sheepishly.
Just as this sentence leaves his mouth a smell hits me. A smell I never smelled before. It smells like honey and vanilla – delicious.
‘Mate’ my wolf yells at me. Shit, just what I need.


Sorry that it's so short. I promise that the next one will be longer.

Anyways hope you liked it and please vote and comment.

First one to leave a comment gets a dedication for the next chapter.


-Chrissi <3

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