Chapter 4

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Skylars POV

What’s that annoying sound? It just goes like “peep peep” the whole time. Damn it! I want to sleep it has to stop. I open my eyes to look out for the thing making that sound and shut it off but when I open them I notice I’m not in my bedroom. I look around scanning my surrounding. There is nothing in the room expect the bed I’m lying in and a machine next to it. I guess that’s where the sound comes from. But why am I here and not in my room?

The door opens up and my dad rushes inside. “You’re awake” he stated the obvious.

“How are you feeling?”

“Fine. Just fine. Where am I?” I ask him confused.

“You don’t remember? You are at the pack doctors house”

At the pack doctors house? What the hell I’m doing here. I don’t feel any pain or see any wound so why am I here?

When dad notices my confused face he tells me everything. He tells me about my mate, about how I blacked out and how they got me here.

When I remember again the pain comes back. Not as bad as yesterday but it is there. It’s like half of my heart got ripped out but it’s bearable.

“You’re in pain? Wait I’m going to get Rufus” he says and runs out of the door. Rufus is our pack doctor he’s a really nice guy. He’s one of my father’s best friends and his son Leo is one of my best friends. Not even a minute after my father left to get Rufus they come back in and the doc hands me a pill and some water. I take it from him and I choke it down drinking the rest of the water thirsty.

“I know you’re in great pain now but you don’t have to stay here. The only thing you can do against it is taking some pain killers and distracting yourself. So I think it would be the best for you to go back home and go to school tomorrow so your friends can distract you a bit. If it gets worse just come back here as soon as possible” Rufus tells me.

I’m so happy I can go home. Everybody in this pack knows how I hate to be in hospitals or at a doctor. I mean who likes it? It’s like lying in a boring bed surrounded by ill people. Eww I could never work at hospitals or even stay there for longer than one week.

“Thanks Rufus. And I’ll come but only when the pain becomes unbearable for me. You know how I hate it here and no offence.”

Rufus laughs softly and ruffles my hair. We say our goodbyes and dad and I go home. When we arrive there my stomach growls loudly and I make my way straight to the fridge where I get some eggs. Then I move to get some other ingredients and make myself some pancakes. When I finish eating them I realise that it’s already ten pm and so I went to bed. Tomorrow I’ll go to school. I have to get some distraction. I have to get some distraction from Rose. I imagine her laugher and with that beautiful sound and her face before my eyes I fall asleep.


I wake up when my alarm clock rings telling me to get up. I shut it off and stand up going through my clothes. I choose a black asking Alexandria tee and a plain pair of jeans and go to my bathroom taking a quick shower. When I think of going to school today my mind flies to Rosie. She’ll be there too and I don’t think I could stand seeing her. She must think that I hate her now or something in those lines. The pain comes back so I quickly take one of the pills Rufus gave me yesterday.

When the pain stops I got to get my backpack. It’s no use thinking about what could happen. I have to go to school with my friends education is important and I won’t sit in my room the whole day. That would be too boring. I go downstairs where my father has already made breakfast for me. I smile at him so he won’t worry and eat my pancakes quickly. Yep I eat pancakes again. I just love them it’s my favourite food so I eat it almost every day. Yummy.

When our doorbell rings I say goodbye to my dad and go outside where Liam is already waiting for me. He knows me good so he doesn’t ask me how I am. He knows how I hate showing my weak side so he just smiles at me and we jump in his car. When we get to school we head straight to our lockers which are next to each other. Leo and Adam are already there waiting for us. They are best friends just like me and Liam. Leo opens his mouth but Liam glares at him so he just shuts it again.

When we got anything we need we go to our classes. First is maths which I hate with a passion. I can’t get it in my head and my teacher doesn’t make it more pleasant for me. She hates me so she always lets me go out to solve a problem on the board which I can’t solve for my dear life. Today she seems to ignore me and I’m relieved. Next to go is geography which I really like. It’s interesting to learn about all the different countries and cultures. How I wish I could fly to every single of these countries.

The lesson goes by without anything exciting just like the next lesson. When the bell rings signalling lunch Liam and I go to the cafeteria like every day. We head to our usual table where our pack mates sit already. Before we can get there someone grips my arm and jerks me back. I instantly feel sparks where the person touches my arm and I know who it is without looking at them. The sparks are so intense that she has to feel them too. It’s just impossible to ignore them. But what do she thinks about them. Does she suspect it to be what it is? No I can’t get my hopes up. She’s a human so she can’t know what it means, can she?

Anyhow I let her drag me outside the cafeteria and in an empty corridor.

When I turn around to look at her I see tears shining in her eyes and I feel bad instantly. I’m the one who caused them and I can’t do anything to comfort her because I wouldn’t be able to hold back.

“Please don’t hate me” she begs.

Hate her? Does she really think that I hate her? I couldn’t hate her even if my life would depend on it. She’s my mate for god’s sake.

“I could never hate you” I tell her truthfully.

“You don’t?” she asks surprised and I see the hope in her eyes.

“No never. Why should I?”

“You seemed pretty hurt when you ran away”

“Yeah I was hurt. I’m hurt now. But I don’t hate you for it. It’s not your fault” I tell her.

“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry”

“Don’t be. I’m cool.” I say resuming. But I see that she blames herself none the less. Could it be that she feels something for me too?

My hopes are shatter by the words which leave her mouth next. Words a mate don’t want to her – ever.

“I’m glad. I hoped that you’ll forgive me so we can be friends. Friends?” she asks me smiling and I feel the pain in my heart increase in spite of the painkillers I took not too long ago.

With all my strength that is left I force the words out of my mouth.

“Yeah let’s be friends”


New chapter. Sorry for keeping you guys waiting.

How do you think it will work out for them being friends? What do you think of the story so far? Let me know.



-Chrissi <3

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