Chapter 11

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Rosalie’s POV

He goes through the woods me on his shoulder as if I weigh nothing. We get deeper and deeper into the woods away from Skylar. How she is right now? Does she even live or has the wolf cut her into pieces? Although I’m kidnapped I can’t think of anything else but her. I guess I fell for her and fell pretty hard.

We come to a stop abruptly and I look around. I was so in thoughts that I didn’t even noticed that we came into a little town. If you can call it a town. It has only about ten houses and no shops but there are many people for such a small group of houses. When they see us they start to clap their hands and laugh. That’s until a giant man tells them to stop.

“So you are the little mate of our little Skylar” he says coming towards me and take my face into his hand. He turns it around before he starts to laugh.
“You’re a pretty thing. Riley will have his fun with you.” Just in that moment a tall guy who looks like a younger version of the man in front of me steps towards us.
“What’s your name pretty thing?” he asks smiling evilly at me.

Does he really think I’ll answer some people who have kidnapped me?
“Answer me!” he says angry at my silence. He can get angry as much as he wants I want back home back to Sky.
“I said answer me” he yells and I feel something connect with my face. Did he just hit me! Wow that’s low.
“Hitting defenceless little girls now?” I ask him and the anger in his face is clearly visible.

“I will teach you how to act around me! The sooner you get used to it the sooner you can be happy.”
“I’m not staying here for long. They will find me. Skylar will find me” I say glaring at the giant guy.
“Oh I bet” he says laughing.
“This pathetic excuse of a werewolf. He can’t even protect his own mate” he tells me but I don’t understand a word. What is he talking? Werewolf, mate? What the hell he should get his brain checked out.

“So he didn’t tell you?” the guy Riley laughs.
“He isn’t human like you think. He is one of our kind – a werewolf.”
“I think you should get your brain checked out” I tell him sternly.
“That’s enough! You don’t talk to my son like that. You are his now his mate and do everything he says” Riley father yells. Wow they all have some sort of brain problems. If you lay the werewolf thing away there is also the thing that they think I’ll be Rileys girlfriend or something like that. What’s wrong with them?

“Don’t father. I’ll handle her by myself. Darius take her to my room” Riley orders and the big guy picks me up again and heads to the biggest of the houses. He brings me inside up the stairs and in a big room.
“You stay here until the future alpha arrives” he says and leaves. What is he thinking? Does he really think that I’m going to stay here and wait for some sick bastard? And what about the alpha thing? That’s not important right now. Right now I have to get out of here. So I quietly make my way over to the door and open it slowly.

“I told you to stay in there” the big guy whose name seems to be Darius growls at me and I quickly go back inside. Great the bad big guy is standing right in front of the door. Then I’ll have to find another way out. How about the window? Seems like a nice idea and it isn’t too high either. So I open it and pull myself up. I’m preparing myself to jump as a hand graps my shirt and pulls me back in.

“Where do you think you are going?” an angry voice asks and I immediately recognize that it’s Rileys. I stay quiet and he growls at me.
“You’ll have to learn much” he says leaning closer and I take a step back.
“Stay!” he growls but when he takes another step towards me I take one back. I see him getting even more angry than before and fear rises inside of me.
“You do as I say or I’ll have to force you and I’m not a gentle guy” he tells me dangerously and steps closer catching my hand before I can step away again.

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