Chapter 3

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New chapter hope you like it and have fun reading.
Let me know what you think since your opinion is really important to me.


Skylar’s POV

“Come on man let’s go to meet the lucky lady” Liam smiles at me and drags me in a random direction. I let him drag me around while thinking of this situation. I know I never wanted to meet my mate but now I’m not so sure anymore. Their smell is just so amazing it seems like it wrapt itself around me and isn’t going to let me go - ever. It’s the only thing I can think of there is no space for anything else. That’s when I know I could never live without my mate. I thought it would be possible but now only thinking of it makes my heart already ache. I can’t reject them it would hurt them to badly.

As my eyes meet hers I know that she is my mate. I also immediately register who she is. Her name is Rosalie and she goes to my school. She’s only one year younger than me – perfect – if it wouldn’t be for the fact that she’s human. It rarely happens that wolves are mated to humans. But for a reason I can’t understand the spirits mated me to a human – to an amazing one at that. She’s smaller than me I think she stands at about 5’5’’ while I stand at 5’9’’. With her slim figure she could be a model if it wasn’t for her high. Her long blond hair falls in perfect waves down her back. I let my eyes travel to her face and find her ice blue eyes staring back at me. I find myself falling in the deep of them and I’m not able to pull my gaze away. She’s just amazing!

Liam notices me staring at her and a smile spread across his face. “Found her!” he yells. I roll my eyes at him but let him happily drag me towards Rosalie. When she smiles at us I can’t hold back a smile myself. “Hey happy birthday” she says and give me a small hug. When she has her arms around me sparkles shoot through my veins and I don’t want to let her go – ever. But since she’s only human she doesn’t know about mates and I don’t want to freak her out. So I eventually let go and thank her.

“So did you enjoy the party so far?” I ask her trying to keep up a conversation. “Yeah the food was delicious but you know what is missing?” she asks grinning. “That’s great to hear. No you tell me” I answer smiling back. “Music!” she yells and starts to giggle. Her voice and her laugher are just amazing I could listen to her all day but she’s right we need music. I haven’t even finished my thoughts when music starts to play. I look around and see Liam standing at the music table, which some of the pack members installed yesterday. When he notice me staring at him he grins widely. “Go for it” he mouths in my direction and winks.

I roll my eyes at him again which seems to get the norm and turn back around to Rosalie.
“Yeah!” she screams and takes me by the arm. When I think about it know having a mate isn’t that bad – it isn’t bad at all. We dance together enjoying ourselves. When the rest of the guests notice us dancing they join in. It’s just great, the best party I could wish for with my mate so close to me.  Liam still stands at the music table never came down to me and Rosalie and I’m glad for it. Don’t get me wrong I love him to bits but this has to be something between me and my mate. When we finally get a bit tired I take her back to get some drinks. Afterwards we sit down at the border of the woods just drinking our drinks and watching the others dance.

It’s the perfect moment to ask her out. It’s just me and her and the music we both love so much. So I take the opportunity.
“Hey Rosalie”
“Just call me Rosie, please” she says laughing.
“Okay. Rosie, can I ask you something?” I ask her.
“That already was a question but I know what you mean so sure you can ask me anything”
Okay here it goes. “Will you go on a date with me?” I ask holding my breath. Normally I wasn’t like that; normally I’m sure of myself. But with Rosie it is something completely different.

“Oh Skylar I really like you and I would love to say yes, but I can’t”
The smile drops from my face and pain shoots through my whole body. “What do you meant you can’t?”
“You’re a nice handsome young man and I think every girl would want to be with someone like you.”
“But?” I ask her shocked. This can’t happen! She can’t reject me. The pain in my body gets worse with every second I don’t think that I can take it much longer.
“But I don’t play for your side, I’m sorry I really am” she says and I see it in her eyes that she really means it but that doesn’t make anything better for me. Wait…

“So you mean you like girls?”
“That’s what it means” she answers.
She’s gay, that means she’s attracted to me – my real me. But I can’t tell her, can I? No I can’t it would ruin my whole future if it comes out that I’m a girl. They would find a way of kicking me out of the pack and that means we would have to live as rouges and that’s not something I want for Rosie. It’s best if she thinks that I’m a boy. But it hurts; it hurts so much letting her go. I heard of what it should feel like to be without your mate; everyone tells stories about how painful it is. I sometimes imagined what it would be like, I imagined great pain but in reality it’s even worse. I can’t think clearly and my breathing is becoming unregularly. My whole body aches like I was hit by a train and eaten by a bear afterwards.

I know I can’t do this anymore. I have to get away from her before I have a breakdown right in front of Rosie. Without looking back at her I stand up and head into my house. I run upstairs into my room and before I can reach the bed I already lie on the floor holding my body in pain. I feel sweet on my face and my body starts to shake violently. Liam rushes inside my room but I don’t even care. I wouldn’t care if I just die. Without Rosalie there is nothing worth to live. I feel Liam pat my cheeks but I can’t focus on it, I can’t stop the pain to tell him what happened. In the back of my mind I notice that Liam is gone but not much later he comes back my dad by his side.

“What happened?” the alpha yells at Liam.
“I don’t know sir. The last time I saw him he was dancing with his mate. He seemed to be perfectly normal” I hear Liam tell him.
“His mate?”
“Yeah Skylar found her today” Liam informs my dad.
“If she’s not at his side at the moment and he’s in so much pain that only can denote that she rejected him”
At this a whimper escapes my mouth. I need her so much I don’t think I’ll be able to live without her by my side.
“That means that I’m right. Liam hurries up and gets the pack doctor he needs to come over here as quick as possible.

Before Liam is out of the room the pain gets too much for me to stay awake any longer and I just pass out.

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