16. Bad Habits of Yours

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Biting and chewing your lip. You do it whenever your nervous, or uncomfortable. Sometimes you do it to the point of blood. When he notices you doing it, he'll just kiss you gently. Although sometimes it leads to full on make out sessions.


Bobbing your leg. You just start doing it absentmindedly and it gets on his last nerve. Sometimes it's just one leg and sometimes it's both. To stop you, he will put a hand on your upper thigh. You always stop thinking about whatever your thinking about and think about other things. Damn you Loki.


Twirling your hair. He finds it sexy when your doing it at first but after a while he can tell your just doing in cause your nervous or bored. So, he'll go and grab the hand your using to play with it and just hold it. It works quite well.


Drumming your fingers. When your anxious or nervous about something you drum your fingers and it makes Bucky nervous too. He'll just take your hand and kiss your knuckles, then intertwine his fingers with yours. It calms both you and him.


Biting your nails. You do it when your bored or nervous. He'll take your hand out of your mouth and just hold it, and give you a sweet little kiss.


Add ons and redo's: (1|9|16|)

(These are so bad.)


Cracking your bones - You find it satisfying, but it gets on his nerves, especially when you do it while he's trying to work. He'll take a break from whatever he's doing and quickly massage the area you hair cracked


Biting your skin - You do it when your bored, and especially when you're nervous. You've drawn blood before, and finally, when he had enough of seeing you hurt yourself, he told you you hat to stop. To help, every time you bite an area of skin, he'll kiss it in the same place. It doesn't really make you want to stop.

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