Clint Barton • Proposal

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A|N: dedicated to Yavanna80 who is the biggest Clint fan I know! Go check out her work, she's amazing! Hope you like it!

Ps: I couldn't decide so I wrote two.

(Y/F/S) = Your Favorite Store
(Y/F/F) = Your Favorite Food

Scenario One

"So... No reason your taking me shopping?" You asked Nat as you walked in to (Y/F/S) at the mall.

"Nope, none at all." Yep. She was lying. Nat never took you shopping, even if you begged. Something is up.

*time skip brought to you by Pietro coming back to life and eating cake.*

"Is this okay?" You walk out of the dressing room and twirl in the outfit your wearing. Short mini skirt, crop top pair of matching heals, this is your favorite one out of the FORTY FRIKING OUTFITS YOUV'E TRIED ON BEFORE THIS!!!

Natasha looks at you and nods eagerly, "Perfect." You sigh in relief.


You pay for the outfit and walk out of the store, into the busy mall. Walking to the food court, the bags start to weigh you down so when you reach your destination, you gladly set them down. Nat leaves you sitting there to go and get (Y/F/F). You pull out your phone and start going on your Instagram.

Suddenly, there's a thump on the table. Looking up you see one of Clint's arrows. Upon further examination, you see a ring around the shaft, along with a note. You open the small piece of paper and see, in Clint's messy handwriting,

Look to your left, babe.

Doing as the note says, you look to your left and see Clint standing there. Well, not standing, more like down on one knee. He takes the ring out of your hand and takes your hand.

"(Y/n), will you marry me?"

Holy Shit, You think. "Of course I'll marry you Katniss!" You say kissing him on the forehead.


Scenario Two

You and Clint are sitting on the couch, cuddling and watching movies. You guys have been doing that all day, and your really enjoying yourself. Suddenly, he pauses the movie and you look up at him jokes.

"Hey (Y/N), wanna hear a joke?" He asks

"Do I really have a choice?" You ask, raising an eyebrow.

"Nope." He says with a smirk and you gesture for him to carry on with his lame joke. "Knock Knock."

"Who's there?" You ask impatiently, wanting to get back to the movie.

"Marry." Of course you thought he said 'Mary', as in the name.

"Mary who?" You still hadn't caught on yet.

"Marry me?" Clint says pulling out an arrow shaped ring. You let out a bark of laughter at the way he just proposed and he looks at you confused.

"Yes, you goofball, of course I'll marry you." He happily slips the ring on your finger and presses play. You two happily continue the movie and cuddle.

A|N: This is the worst one yet...

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