Tony Stark • Replace It (Pt. 2)

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The long awaited part 2! Hope you guys like it!

Why did I do that to her?! She didn't deserve any of it. I look out over the skyline, thinking about (Y/N) out there, probably cooped up at (Y/F/N)'s apartment. I think about going after her. She's probably still pissed and wants nothing to do with me. She was
the best thing to ever happen to me. One night of drinking and she's gone. When has that ever stopped you before, Stark?

Im gonna go get my girl back.

I head to the elevator and go down to the garage. When the doors open, I see the most horrific massacre that as ever been my displeasure of seeing. MY BABY! W-Hat HAPPPEENNNEDD! There's a long scratch down the side of her, the headlights are smashed in, the tires have big slashes in them. As I'm circling the car, I see a note. I instantly recognize the handwriting as (Y/N)'s

Replace this car like you replaced me

- You know who I am.

Damn it! She used my line. I look through the windshield and notice that she carved her name in the leather seat. I look back over the note, tracing my finger over the writing. God I love her. Then I look back at the car. She still fucked up my car.


You walk into your temporary room at (Y/F/N)'s, throwing your bag full of vandalizing tools to the side.

That was enjoyable, you think as you plop down on to your air bed. Thinking about Tony's reaction when he sees the car makes you emit a weird squealing sound.

There's a knock on the front door.

I wonder who that could be? You walk to the door and swing it open. Leaning on the door frame, facing a very angry looking billionaire.

"Hi Tony."

"(Y/N)..." He trails off.

"Is there something you needed cause I got things to do..." You don't have things to do. "Places to be..." You don't have places to be. His eyebrow shoots up.

"Oh so like vandalizing people's cars?"

"No... That was more a one time thing."

Giving a loud sigh, he puts his hands on his hips. "You know what, (Y/N)"

"Tony actually I don-" you start talking until you are shut up by Tony's lips softly pressing into yours. Your eyes flutter closed and you kiss back. A voice in the back of your head screaming at you to stop what you're doing, but you can't bring yourself to do it.

You've missed the way your lips mold with his perfectly, the way the soft material of his Black Sabbath t-shirt feels against your skin, the way he smirks into the kiss and you've especially missed the way Tony smells like a mixture of really expensive cologne, grease and oil.

He breaks off the kiss and only then do you notice the single tear rolling down your cheek.


"(Y/N) I know I just can't waltz in here expecting you to forgive me. I just wanted to say that I'm sorry, again. You didn't deserve what I did to you and I'm a huge dick. It was the mot fucked up thing I've ever done and I'm never going to do it again. I still love you (Y/N) and I'm sorry-"

"I still love you too, Tony." Continues rambling for a second then looks at you, shocked. Absolutely shocked.

"Y-you do?"

You nod slowly, biting your lip. "I could never stop loving you, even if you are the biggest dick on the planet." He laughs several times in disbelief and then crashes his lips to yours in another dazing kiss.

"Can we go back to the Tower, Baby Girl?"

"If you insist, Iron Ass."

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