20. PDA

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HA! This is Tony Stark we're talking about here. He's the king of PDA, correction, he invented PDA. He's not afraid to show the world that you are his, no matter what it takes.


He, being the old fashioned guy he is, doesn't show PDA much. He almost always has his arm wrapped protectively around your waist though. Every once and awhile he'll peck you on the lips, cheek, or forehead, just to make sure everyone knows your taken.


Surprisingly, Loki is a big fan of PDA, especially in Asgard. He loves to show you off, but you don't mind. He'll have is arms wrapped around your waist at all times, kissing your neck, lips, cheek, forehead or hand, claiming you as his.


He hates PDA, the most he'll do in public is wrap an arm around you.


He's almost as bad as Tony. He'll do anything to show everyone your his and only his.


Same as Bucky, he hates PDA but, he loves you and knows you like it when he puts his arm around your waist and pecks your cheek.


He's right in the middle, which is perfect for you. He'll wrap an arm around your waist and kiss you on the lips. That's it, and you love it.


He is obsessed with it. He loves attention and PDA is just another form of it.

A|N: Here is a fun little filler chapter! Love you guys so much!

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