31. Babysitting

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A/n: This chapter is 3417 words. Idk what happened, but enjoy.


(4) Nephew

(7) Niece

"Here is the list of emergency phone numbers.." Your sister mutters as she hands you the piece of paper. "And-

"(Y/S/N)! I think I can take care of them for a day. Go and take care of what you need to." You say, literally pushing her out the door. Your Niece and Nephew were already sitting on the couch, watching TV. As you shut the door, you turn around, clap your hands and say "Alright! This is gonna be fun!"

The kids turn their heads your way a you walk over to them.

"Auntie (Y/N), can we watch something else?" Asks Sarah, your niece. Luke nods his head in agreement.

"Sure!" You nod, and sit down in between them. After putting on (T/F/K/S), the door bell rings and you get up to answer it.

When you open the door, Steve is standing there, smiling. "You ready?" He asks. Then you remember, you and your boyfriend were supposed to go on a date. You look down at your sweat pants and t-shirt.

"Steve, I'm so sorry. My sister called and she had an emergency and she needed me to watch her kids and-"

"(Y/N), it's okay." He says reassuringly, "is there anything I can do?"

You look back at the kids, who are sitting and contentedly watching the tv.

"I'm not sure..." You reply.

"I could always come help out." Steve offers. Your eyes go wide.

"Oh- uh, you don't have to do that, um, ha, it's fine, really...." You stutter.

All of the sudden, you feel a tug on your shirt, "Auntie (Y/N)?" You hear your nephew ask quietly.

"Hmm?" You hum, bending down.

"Is dat Captwain Amewica?" He asks, looking up at Steve.

You smile. "Yes, you could say he is..." You tell him. Steve gives the slightest hint of a smirk.

"I think you might need some help, (Y/N)." He says.

You pick up your little nephew and and gesture for Steve to come inside.

Sarah walks over to Steve, "Who are you?" She asks inquisitively. You mentally facepalm at the way she asked, but Steve just chuckles.

"I'm Steve, and you are?" He asks, bending down on one knee.

"I'm Sarah.."

"That's a very pretty name, it was my mother's." Your boyfriend complements with a smile.

"Thank you." Sarah says, then puts her hands on her hips. "Are you Auntie (Y/N)'s boyfriend?"

"Well- uh, yes. He is." You answer before Steve can.

"Hm, are you nice?" Sarah asks next.

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