21. Waking You Up

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When he wakes up, your head is still on his chest. He looks down and see's you sleeping figure, evenly bobbing with every breath you take. Steve will start playing with your (Y/H/C) hair, humming songs from the 40's, until you wake up.

When you wake up, your boyfriend is playing with your hair lovingly, and contently humming songs from his childhood and memories. You smile happily, staying in the same spot and enjoying the tunes and the low vibrations in his chest. After a while you'll look up at Steve and he'll lean down and kiss you forehead, muttering a 'I love you so much' or 'You're so beautiful' .


You guys fall asleep spooning, his arms wrapped around your waist, and you both wake up in the same position. You and Tony are both pretty late sleepers, but he'll still wake up a little earlier than you. When Tony does eventually wake up, he'll keep his eyes closed and pull you a little closer. Then, when he's finally ready to get up, he'll open his eyes. He kisses the back of your neck softly, which is usually enough to wake you. When it's not, he'll kiss directly behind your earlobe and whisper how much he loves you in your ear. That's always enough to wake you up.


He opens his eyes to meet your sleeping face. Your beautiful face. Bucky feels bad waking you up, but knows he'll get 'reeeeeeaaallllyyyy boorreeedddd' without you. He'll move the sheets a little bit and if that doesn't work (which it doesn't usually) Bucky will give you a soft kiss on the lips, holding it there until you wake up.

Waking up to your wonderful boyfriend's warm lips on yours is the best thing in the world. When your eyes flutter open you can see his eyes closed, waiting for you to wake up. You'll kiss back and he'll know your awake. The first thing you feel in the morning is the man of your dreams, and you can't even begin to describe how much that means to you.


Thor actually wakes up much later than you. So, he usually wakes you with his monstrous snoring. When you wake up, after recovering from the initial shock of being woken up by a dying bear being attacked by a lion giving birth, you untangle your legs from Thor's and hop out of bed,. Most times you will go for a run or work out, and by the time you get back, Thor already has breakfast made.


He wakes up long before you do. When his eyes open, they are greeted with your smiling, sleeping face and the even rhythm of your breathing. His energy over comes him and he can't bear to stay in bed any longer. He'll use his super speed to get out of bed without disturbing your peaceful figure. He'll write a quick note to let you know he went out running incase you wake up while he's gone.

Most mornings you don't and he comes back to find you in the exact same position he left you in. Pietro will go into the kitchen and start to make your favorite breakfast and coffee. The delicious aroma waking you from your deep sleep. You'll walk into the living room and plop down on the couch, Pietro hand delivering your breakfast to you.

"Good morning, Princess." He'll say as he sits down with you. You usually devour the delicious food in 5 minutes, because Pietro is just that good of a cook. After you have your coffee, the  your on the same page as him and are able to coherently function and make conversation. 


He wakes up, earlier than you, but he's content just watching you sleep. Not in the creepy, twilight way. In a more endearing way. Loki loves how your eyelids flutter and your nose twitches when your dreaming. Sometimes he will use his telepathy to see who or your what your dreaming about, pleased to see most of the time it's him.

When either he has to get up, or you do, he'll begin tucking your stray strands of (Y/H/C) hair behind your ear. He'll begin whispering things like, 'Good Morning, My Love.' or 'You are the most beautiful being to ever roam the 9 realms.' or ' Darling, how did you ever fall in love with a thing like me?' or 'What did I do to deserve such a wonderful woman such as you', until your eyes flutter open.

The first thing you see is Loki, whispering loving things to you. It's the best thing you could ever wake up to. Once you are awake, he will make a cup of delicious joe appear out of thin air for you. What a wonderful way to start a day, your favorite person in the whole world followed by your favorite drink.


Being the early bird that he is, (Get it! Puns!) Clint will wake up at 5am every morning. Wayyyyyyyyy too early for your liking. He'll get up and head straight down for training, giving you a kiss on the forehead as he leaves. It doesn't even disturb you. When he comes back at around 10-11 o'clock, you are still fast asleep in your shared bed. He try's flicking on the light, doesn't work. He try's turning on the TV, doesn't work. He try's whispering, saying and yelling your name, doesn't work. Only one last resort.

Tickle time.

Clint'll come up behind you and start tickling your sides, yelling, 'wake up!'. Being how ticklish you are, you wake up instantly and start thrashing around in the bed, giggling and screaming like a little girl. Due to natural instinct, one time, Clint got a broken nose, and another time, a black eye.


He'll wake up a little earlier than you will, but he's patient in letting you sleep. When you do wake up, he'll smile and kiss you on the nose, watching it scrunch up, with a 'good morning, honey." or something of the like.

A|N: I'm actually happy with this chapter! I feel like my update quality has gone down about 100% since I started, so I'm sorry. I'm also sorry Thor's and Bruce's suck, I was stuck for theirs.

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