24. What Your Family Thinks

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A|N: Guys, sorry for not updating in a week! So so sorry! THANK YOU FOR 17k! I know I kinda already did this chapter, but I want to re-write it in a different format. Also, for the little siblings, I tried to type it all cute, sorry if I failed. Lol. Enjoy!


Brother (15): He's freaking awesome. He's Tony Stark for god's sake! He lets me drive some of his cool cars and even let me throw a party at the tower. I wouldn't mind having him as a brother.  Plus he's like the only person I know that can 'out sarcasm' my sister.

Mom: He's nicer than I expected, I see that he loves her and that's good enough for me.

Dad: He's a playboy. I don't want her heart to get broken. If he breaks her heart, I break his face, Iron Man or not.

Brother (4): I fink its kewl dat my sistwer is dating Captain Amewica. HE'S A SEWPERHEWO!! Non of my fwends at school beeweeve me that he hewlps me fight aliens and teaches me how to use my shewld. He sawd he'd come to my cwass one day tho!

Sister (7): He's nice. I like him. He's very handsome and loves (Y/N). He's like Prince Charming and (Y/N) is Cinderella!

Mom: He's such a gentleman, so kind and nice. He loves (Y/N) a lot, and that's all that matters.

Dad: He's a fine guy for my daughter. I trust him. I just hope that (Y/N) won't be in any danger, because he's Captain America and all.

Sister (5): He's a scietwist! He said he's gonna teach me all abowt it! He even gave me my own wab coawt!

Mom: He is amazing for (Y/N), as long as he loves her, I'm happy.

Dad: Your dad walked out when you were a baby so....

... I can't think of anything... Sowwy Yavanna80, iHaroldStyles and all the other Clint fans lol.

Brother (14): His metal arm is sick. Like cool sick. He's also pretty cool, not uptight like some of (Y/N)'s other boyfriends.

when he kisses (Y/N) it's kind of gwoss.

Mom: He's such a gentleman. He treats (Y/N) like royalty and that's all I ever wanted for her.

Dad: He's just what (Y/N) needs, they complete each other and as long as they're happy, I'm happy.


Brother (8): He's so cool! He's teaching me a little bit of magic when (Y/N) isn't looking. We play pranks all the time on her too! HEHEHHE.

Sister (6): He's a weal life pwince! I always knew (Y/N) would marry a pwince!

Mom: He's perfect for (Y/N). His past doesn't matter and he loves her. Plus, he's a royal, just sayin.

Dad: They love each other, I can tell. As long as he doesn't hurt her or break her heart, I'll approve and he can live.

Brother (16): He's pretty cool, I mean he can run fast. He likes to read comic books and talk about that kind of stuff. He took me to comic con one year cause nobody else would.

Mom: He's... nice enough.  I just don't want (Y/N) to get hurt, but I do support their relationship.

Dad: He's a punk and I don't trust him.

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