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Tagged (kinda) by Yavanna80!

Real Name:

Isabella Rose McEwen (I freaking hate my last name so I normally go by Isabella Rose)


I'm 13 and was born on April 23rd

Superhero Ability:

The ability to have all abilities... f*ck yea.

Coke or Pepsi?

Coke. Pepsi is disgusting.

Special talents:

Hahahaahahahahaha... You guys are funny.

Apparently I'm good at writing, I can draw somewhat.

I FREAKING LOVE TO SING. (If this chapter gets to 25 votes, I'll upload a video of me singing, Kay?)

Do you read and write smut?

Sometimes I read it, mainly pertaining to MCU of course, but I can't seem to write it. It just doesn't work out.

Favorite Color:

Dark purple, black and teal

What do I look like?

(See ugly ass picture above)


I live with my grandparents and uncle. I haven't talked to my mom in like 6 months for... reasons and haven't seen my dad or his side of the family since I was like 2.

Favorite food:

Home made Chili in a sourdough bread bowl.

Favorite Book Series:

Ranger's Apprentice all the way... Any other RA fans out there?

Random people I trust (on Wattpad):


Mountain Dew or Doritos?

Neither... Disgusting

First kiss

Hahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahhahahahahahahaha... No.

Favorite Actor:

Tom 'I'm the best person to ever exist' Hiddleston

Favorite Actress:

Jamie Alexander

Favorite Cartoon:

SpongeBob if it's a mindless cartoon or Gravity Falls if I'm actually trying not to rot my brain

Best Friends:

Zoe (who doesn't have a Wattpad) and lotrandpotterpeople (aka India)

(See pictures above)




Everyone mentioned at anytime in this chapter!!!

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