3. Meeting your parents

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Tony: You know Tony's normal, sarcastic, cocky attitude. Yeah, no. That was gone. When you were standing outside he was practically shaking in his shoes, and when you got inside he was a complete gentleman. Your father was hesitant at first, but really warmed up to Tony. Your mom loved him from the start, and your little sister were all over him. Literally, she probably loved him more than you do, if that's possible. Your 14 year old brother just sat and played on his phone, as usual. All in all, it went really well.

Steve: He was beyond nervous. Your dad loved him. They connected instantly, bonding over their experiences in the military. Your mom adored him, she thought you to are perfect together and she loved how much of a gentleman he was . Your older sister flirted with him constantly, which he ignored, and that made you feel good. Your 15 year old brother fanboyed so freaking hard over the fact that you are dating Captain America. Your little 4 year old brother was in his Captain America costume with a little plastic shield. He was running around the back yard, shooting 'aliens', but not without help from the real Captain America. You love your boyfriend, and now so does your family.

Bruce: He was nervous as frick, and you thought it made him even more adorable. Your mom approved immediately, seeing nothing but love for you in his eyes. Your father warmed up to him after seeing how 'non threatening he was. Your little sister loves him! She wants to be a scientist when she grows up (she's 4) and spent the evening learning all she could from Bruce. When it was time to leave you had to promise her that he would be back just to get her off his leg, even then she was hesitant to let go.

Clint: Clint wasn't actually that nervous, on the outside. At dinner he complemented your mom's cooking and instantly won her over. Your dad, not so easy. He knew the superhero-spy can keep his babygirl safe but he was nervous about his 'intentions'. While he was at your house he gave your 13 year old brother and sister (twins) archery lessons. Everyone loved him.


Add ons and redo's: (12|21|15)


Two words.

Poor. Loki. He never even stood a chance, your parents were so judgmental. They didn't realize someone could change, non-stop asking intruding and embarrassing questions... on purpose. Your boyfriend answered them smoothly and politely but you could really see the look of hurt in his eyes. Both you and Loki wanted this to go well, but that obviously didn't happen.


Your dad hated him, as soon as he got there. Neither of you have any idea why, but he just did. He was asking Pietro embarrassing questions the whole night, as if you were 16 and going on your first date. Your mother actually liked him, and spent most of her time slapping your father in the arm.


Of course, he was a perfect gentleman. He brought your mother flowers, and complemented her cooking. After dinner, he talked football with your dad and hung out with your younger brother. All in all it was a good night.

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