33. What Clothes You Steal

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His sweatpants

They're wayyy to big on you, but they're so comfy, and smell like him. You like to wear them around the house.


His band t-shirts

They're a little big on you, but you just tuck them in to whatever bottoms you're wearing. The first time he saw you in one, he was jealous cause you look better in them than he does. You sometimes sleep in them when he's away on missions because they smell like him.


His lab coat

It started out as a joke, one time you were in the lab and he left it sitting on the counter. You put it on, along with his glasses and did a horrible impression of 'Bruce Banner the Science Guy.' When he said you looked adorable in the lab coat, you started steal in it more often and eventually began wearing it like a jacket.


His sunglasses

One day, when you had to go and run some errands, you couldn't find your sunglasses and his were sitting on the kitchen counter, so you just borrowed his. When you came back, he was really confused and was looking for them. Clint saw you had them on, and laughed, saying you looked sexy in them. Now, whenever you can't find your sunglasses, you just take his.


His robe

When he moved from Asgard, he brought a few things with him, one of those being his really soft green robe. One morning you woke up before him and were really cold, so you decided to steal it. Turns out it was really soft, warm and comfortable, so you just started wearing it. He secretly thinks you look really sexy in it.




His hoodies

The first time you stole one, he was away on a mission. When he came back and saw you sleeping in one, then noticing all of his others were in the hamper. The next day, he told you how amazing you look in them. You're always wearing them because they're too big, and way too comfy, plus they smell like him.


His cape

How can you not steal it?! It's like a big, cuddly blanket that smells like your amazing boyfriend! Every once in a while, Thor will take the one you've been using, wash it, and begin to use it again, and replace yours with one that smells like him.

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