Loki Laufeyson • Proposal

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A|N: I COULDN'T DECIDE WHAT RING UGH!!! Let me know which one you think Loki would pick.


And Frigga isn't dead here because she's FUCKING AWESOME!!!

"Loki.." You said tugging at the corset of your dress. "I hate this dress."

"It's only a few hours, love." Your arms are wrapped around one another, connected at the hands as the large double doors swung open. The dining hall is filled with people ranging in position of authority. After a few minutes of walking around with Loki and talking with him, he excused himself to go speak with Odin.

That's unusual.

You immediately started to mingle with the people you knew, Sif, Thor, Jane, and the Warriors Three.

*time skip brought to you by a sassy Captain America dancing on a turtle*

About an hour later music began to play and everyone found a partner. Thor, Jane, Fandral and Sif (I ship it so hard man) made their way on to the dance floor and you desperately look for Loki. You feel a tap on your shoulder and turn around too see Loki standing whit his hand out.

"May I have this dance, love?"

Taking his hand you say, "Of course." He leads you out into the middle of the dance floor. His hand snakes around your waist and you hold the other, while one of your hands is on his shoulder. Swaying slowly to the song, you rest your head on his chest. Eventually, the song ends and Odin bangs his staff thingy on the ground, gaining everyone's immediate attention.

"Attention, my Son would like to make an announcement." Odin booms throughout the hall, gesturing to... Loki? You look at him, surprised (1) that he would want to make an announcement and (2) that he's not going off about Odin calling him his son.

Loki turns to you and takes your hand, walking you to the center of the ball room. A large circle of people form around you. Once you reach your 'final destination', he stops and turns around, revealing a big stupid grin on his face. This is weird. Loki rarely smiled that big, let alone where people can actually see him. You give him a weird look as he grabs both your hands.

"Lady (Y/N)," he only called you that in formal occasions. He gets down on one knee and you gasp, your hand clasping around your mouth. Oh god, Is he... "I love you with all my heart. You were the only person in all the nine realms who saw past the darkness and into the light and, My Love, you are the one that brings that light out in me. I can't bear the thought of losing you to anything or anyone else." He digs around in the pocket of his coat and pulls out a dark green, velvet box. He is. "Will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?" Loki flips open the box revealing a green and gold engagement ring. It doesn't take you a moment to think about it.

"Yes, Loki of course I'll marry you!" You say as he gets up and slips the ring in your finger. The crowd around you erupts into cheers as Loki pulls you into a sweet kiss. His hand snakes around your waist when you stand side by side, facing Odin's throne. Frigga, who is sitting down next to her husband, has a huge grin on her face. While Odin has a proud smirk on his face, giving a small nod of approval to Loki. Which you know means the world to him.

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