7. First I love you Pt. 2

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"Code green!" BEEP BEEP BEEP "Code green!" BEEP BEEP BEEP "Code green!"

The alarms ring out through out the tower as you run in the direction everyone is running away from. The second they sounded, the first thought that came to your mind was 'I have to go get to him...' You run as fast as you can.

Once reaching the lab, you swing the doors open, and see a fully hulked-out Bruce stomping around and punching the walls. Thank you Tony for those titanium walls, you think. "Hey big guy." You say, getting his attention on you. This is when you first notice Tony, passed out against a wall.

You have a small, internal panic attack. 'What if he doesn't calm down...??' you think. You take a deep breath.
'No. This is still Bruce you're talking to. Tony probably did something stupid ... again' Your thought process runs wild , and despite your common sense, you walk toward the big green guy.

He turns in your direction, noticing you quite quickly. "Bruce... It's me. (Y/N). Come back to me... Please?" you say, asking the last bit as politely as possible. He grunts, breathing heavily. You take another deep breath.

"Sweetheart, I need you to calm down. There's nothing to be upset about." Then going with your intuition about Tony you say, "he was just being an idiot." You still calmly walking forward.

You hold out your hand. "He always goes too far..." you continue softly "C'mon... Tony's always an idiot... And a jerk... Whatever he said, I'm sure he didn't mean it." He grumbles and shakes his head. Hulk stops his pacing and slowly walk towards you.

"C'mon big guy.. I know you can do this." You say clearly to him. Then he sticks his hand out, almost like he wanted a high five. You place your hand horizontally on his, then turn it to match his. The giant green hand dwarfing your small one.

"There we go..." you say, a small smile touching your lips. "Calm down, Sweetheart..." you murmur.
You see his expression soften and your small smile turns into a huge grin. He starts to turn back into Bruce. Your Bruce.

His soft expression turns into one of pain as the green in his skin begins to fade, becoming his regular peach color and his body begins to shrink.
You wait until his hulkiness has completely subdues, he's on the floor, kneeling and staring at his hands. You get down on his level and your hand goes up to caress his cheek. "Hey Brucie.."

He wraps his arms around your waist, and buries his head in the crook of your neck.

"I love you so much, (Y/N).." He whispers, so low you can barely hear it.

"Hmm...??" you say, not entirely hearing him.

He leans up, and looks you in the eye. "I. Love. You. (Y/N)." Then gives you a big kiss on the lips. "I don't know what I would do without you." He states.

You lean forward and plant a sweet kiss on his soft, pink lips. "I love you too." You murmur against his soft flesh.

"Let's keep it rated G in here, kids." Calls a familiar voice from the other side of the room. You pick up the nearest object and throw it at Tony, not breaking contact with your boyfriend.

"Ow!" You hear in the background, causing both you and Bruce to chuckle.


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