Tony Stark • Proposal

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"Babe?" You walk into the lab. Tony jumps and throws whatever the hell he's working on in the air. Before catching it and hiding it in his hands. He turns around smoothly as if nothing happened.


You walk slowly over to him and place your hands on his shoulders. "Come up stairs. I need some Tony cuddles!"

"(Y/N), I would but I'm busy."

"Is there... Anything I could do to change your mind..." You smirk.

He 'thinks' for a minute... "Yes..." He puts on his signature smirk.

"And what might that be Iron Ass?" Placing a hand on his chest you lean in to his face, but he puts a finger on your lips and pushes you away. You pout like a little four year old.

"Go get ready for a date. My favorite dress. Be ready in an hour." You know Tony has been acting weird but this... this is ridiculous. Tony practically avoiding sex? Who are you and what have you done with my boyfriend?!

"Okay...." You say hesitantly, and he gives you a big goofy grin and kicks you out of the lab.

One Hour Later

Tony's favorite dress was knee length, flowy, red, a-line, with straps that rested on your upper arms. You decided to wear a pair of small, black heals to match. Walking out of your bedroom where you were getting ready, you see Tony, standing in the living room wearing a tux and holding a dozen roses. When the hell did he get those?!

"Tony..." He turns to you and you walk over. "Will this be okay?" You look down at your outfit. He wraps his arms around your waist and pulls you in so your mere centimeters from his face.

"You look perfect Baby Girl." Then he pulls you in to a passionate kiss. When you break for air, you look at his lips and see red lipstick smeared all over them. You start giggling. "I'm I really that bad of a kisser?"

"Here let me get that for you." You say between giggles, licking your finger you give Tony the ol' 'grandma spit wash.'

"Can we go now?!" Tony asks after your done.



Tony took you out to the fanciest restaurant you've ever been too. Then he took you to one of his yachts. You guys were looking over the water, leaning your head on his shoulder, his hand around your waist.

"Baby Girl?"

"Hmmm?" You hummed in response.

"Are you happy?" You remove your head from his shoulder

"Yes Tony, of course I'm happy. I'll always be happy as long as I have you."

"Well then-" He releases his grip on your waist.

"Wait? Are you breaking up with me?" You ask slightly worried that he is actually breaking up with you.

"No baby girl, never." He takes your hands in his and slowly gets down on one knee.

Oh shit.

"(Y/n), I love you. I couldn't live without you. I need you more than I need anybody. I'm not good at speeches so I'm going to cut straight to the point. (Y/F/N) (Y/L/N), will you become (Y/F/N) Stark?" You feel tears running down your cheeks as he takes out the ring. It looks like a mini archreactor...

"This is the part when you say yes?" He snaps you of your awestruck daze long enough for you to nod your head. When he slips the ring on your finger, fireworks go off. Literal fireworks. Tony stands up and dips you into the most head spinning kiss of your life, you, the future Mrs. Stark.

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