Bucky Barnes • Hold Me

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Requested by bellawalls15 I hope you like it!! Sorry it's kinda short :/

Movies night with the Avengers. Not something a normal girl would spend her Friday night doing, but hey, I never said I was normal. After all, I am dating the Winter Soldier.

"Frozen?" Tony listed off another movie title.

"NO!" We all responded in unison.

"Ooh! How bout Iron Ma-"


"Fine, why don't you guys pick the movie then, gees."

I get up and snatch the remote out of his hand then go and sit back down. "Ooh how bout, Jumanji?" This is one of my favorite movies so when everyone agreed on it, I'm happy.

I press play and snuggle into my boyfriend's side. He scoots away. I look up and scowl at him and try again, snuggling into his chest. He scoots away. "Buckkyyyyy!" I whine quietly.

"Isabella! I don't want to hurt you!" He yell whispered back.

"Bucky you won't hurt me. Now cuddle with me!" I beg.

"Doll, I don't want to hurt you-"

"James Buchanan Barnes!" I say at full volume, "You are NOT going to hurt me. I would put my life in your hands. Now, so help me God, if you don't put your arm around me and cuddle RIGHT NOW I will get a giant balloon, strap you to it and let you float into space!!" By now I had everyone's full attention, my blue eyes staring straight into Bucky's ice colored ones.

"I would listen to her, Snowflake. She's scary when she's mad." Tony says from across the room. Bucky glares at Tony for his new nickname, then smiles and puts his arm around me. I snuggle into his side.

"Now that's more like it." I mutter.

Bucky kisses the top of my head, "I love you, Doll."

"I love you too, Snowflake."

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