Chapter 1

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My pack sat around Elena as she shared the history of vampires and werewolves and I smiled glad she was here. For the last six months now she helped me deal with this new part of me that I seemed to battle each day. My hybrid. I still carried the nightmares in my sleep like extra luggage and my body hurt when I tried not to feed. The taste of merely blood was too saporous that I could never pull away.
It was the middle of May and despite the sun being down it was hot and humid.
"She's been a great distraction for this pack." My sister, Rachel walked over to me with a steak in her bare hands.

I arched a brow.

A grin played on her face as she shrugged. "Sara says I eat I'm still my wolf."

" do."

She smirked. "And that's why I'm going to make it literally true for her." Rachel loved making her mate agitated. Something about when they made up the sex was exceptionally grand. Her words.

I sat down on the porch as I continued to watch Elena huddled with many of my pack on the ground twenty feet from me. Since being here, she made that exact spot look like a campground; a place to make a fire and share stories. It was peaceful. My pack hadn't felt this much peace probably since before my father was killed. She was great at this. Making my pack happy. Elena carried a certain quality about herself. Elegance and kindness stood out.

" know she can't stay forever," Rachel said. Her words were a reminder to something I already knew.

Though Elena was fully devoted in sharing stories with my pack I could still feel her watching me. She had a way of doing that without actually looking at me.

Rachel lowered her voice. Vampires, like Werewolves had enhanced hearing. "Nina is not happy with her here."

I already knew that too. But what could I do? There was so much I still needed to learn and there were moments I lost my control. My problem was; once I began feeding I didn't know how to stop. The compulsion and the way the blood enthralled me, I could not fight it. Hunting and feeding off of animals, rather I was draining my kill of its blood or devouring it, I could not stop. And it was not enough. I needed blood from more of a humans vein and Elena knew this. I could never feed off of my pack. I felt to wrong for that. I tried drinking the blood we snagged from the blood bank, but the taste was bitter. These feeling were private with only Elena, Bran and Nina knowing this. Of course I had to tell Nina. She was supposed to be my mate. Far as Bran; he was my second. Prima. I respected him enough to tell him the truth. I played with the chipped wood on the porch step, snapping it off. "I still need her here a while longer."

"But...I don't get why," Rachel asked. I could tell she was studying me. I wanted to share this with her but I knew what her reaction would be. She already didn't like Elena being here because of her turning me into a hybrid. If she knew I could not control myself, she would blame Elena for that too. I needed her to get to know Elena. Open herself up to the idea of even liking her. Elena was kind and honest. There was no reason to hate her. I no longer blamed her for turning me. She had no control. I couldn't fathom the idea of being starved for so long and then given the opportunity to feed.

"You don't need to get it." I threw the chipped piece of wood on the ground a few feet away. I was upset. My sister was questioning me and I took it personal; her not liking Elena. "You only need to accept it." My sister snarled and I placed my hand on her shoulder firmly. I turned, bringing my gaze to hers and she averted away. "Give her a chance."

Rachel stiffled more of the growls I could tell was tensing her body. "Is that an order from my Alpha or my sister?"

I didn't want to pull ranks but I knew my answer. "Both."

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