Christian stopped the car soon as I got off the phone with Karen. I was relieved to know everyone was safe.
"Before we enter..." his words pulled me in..."this is a vampire club."
My eyes widen a fraction. He was probably rethinking having me apart of this.
"I can do this." I wasn't about to back out now. Rogue was right. Lizabeth was right. Many were right. I needed to find myself. My true self; not the version of me stuck in a pack, always worried of duties. I needed to open my mind and see through a new set of eyes.
Thankfully, Christian trusted me enough not to question me. In the same speed as snapping a finger; faster than that, Christian was at my passenger side door, his own door shut without notice. Holding his hand out, I reached for it letting him pull me up. "There is a vampire in here we need to speak with. I am thankful you offered to come because I do need your assistance in bringing him out into the open."
My eyes scrutinized Christian, not in a negative intent. I realized something. "You knew I would come."
Absently, Christian caressed his pendant around his neck and smiled in sincerity. "I am thankful you listened to your instincts to join me."
Technically, I got my answer though he never gave it to me. Back to the important matter at hand. "What do you need me to do?"
"Nothing. Be yourself."
"I don't get it."
Christian looked almost awkward in what he was about to say next. His eyes swerved around before linking with mines. "His name is Antonio. He has a fascination for submissive Weres."
"Define his version of fascination." I needed to be sure I understood the whole picture. Last thing my wolf needed was to slip into a frenzied state with fear from an unexpected action this Antonio made in my direction.
"Sexual...but..." Christian spoke swift and more audible..."the moment I see him, I will be by your side."
I laughed dryly, more of wariness in my future. Again, I reminded myself that Christian was to be trusted. He said this would be dangerous and this is what I needed to do. It was not up to me to accept the fact that I understood this entry route here. I also knew Christian would keep his word in being beside me the moment he saw this vampire.
"So...He likes female submissive wolves. Nice." I hope he knew I was being very sarcastic.
Christian didn't make a reaction to my comment. He was like that ninety percent of the time. Emotionally unchanged by others. "No. He likes submissive wolves. Period."
Both my brows arched. "O." I nodded. "Cool." Obviously, I didn't care about this Antonio's sexual preference. I was in love with another woman. A woman I had to get back.
"I will go in first and than you. You won't see me but I'll be near."
I nodded.
We did as planned and when it was my turn I walked up to a bouncer that looked above average height, for a woman. Definitely taller than me.I thought I would have to know some password or pay to get in, but when the female bouncer who was also very much vampire saw me she smirked. "You go right in darling." Her fangs glinted as if she took waxing spray right to it.
I smiled, uneasiness settling in my chest without difficulty. I supposed she knew who would be finding me appetizing soon. No need to charge the meal or sexual service, itself.
I was completely unprepared for the ambiance I walked into. There was no dancing in the club. It wasn't a typical club. It was dark and the loud music was harsh enough to the ears to disorient any human who walked into this club. But then there were huge differences in a mundane club. In what would be a dance floor for humans was a feeding floor. Vampires fangs embedded into the necks of humans. Other vampires having sex with humans or one another.

No Wolf's End (Book 3 Of Mckayla Series)
WerwolfMckayla has experienced more than enough turmoil against her and her pack. After being turned into a hybrid and made Alpha she has to face another ordeal. One that threatens more than her packs life, but the lives of all in this world. Werewolves, h...