I took notice to the affection Elena gave McKayla, like a parent comforting a child. Caught up in my own swirl of doubts and fears, my thoughts misguided me to assuming the worse.
Mckayla took her seat next to me, Rogue sitting back in her own. I handed Mckayla her jacket as she put it on without a word. Something was eating at her mind.
"You okay?"
McKayla nodded. "Thank you for listening."
Slyly, I tilted my head toward Rogue as I caught her watching I'm not sure me or Mckayla. She smiled than faced the front.
Our vampire host, Mikhail I presume; since that's what Elena called him stood out into the opening. "Now to business." He clapped his hands together as if that would psychologically move our minds to the next part of the council meeting. "Rogues...they exist for vampires and werewolves." He now held my and everyone's attention. "If your eyes are open...I'm sure you've noticed these...pest." He spoke as if these rogues were a disease. "Some of us once we can sympathize with why one becomes rogue. But that's not the issue and we're dealing with new variety of rogues." He held our attention, dangling us like strings. I mentally admitted he was good at enthralling us without actually doing so in his typical vampire way.
Again, I snuck a glance at Mckayla thinking of the time she spent as a rogue. I knew why she became one. Her father forced her out, leaving her alone. Bitterness and anger was all she had left.
From the line of sight I had on Mckayla, Rogue was stretched further a few seats. She was a rogue too. Born into it. But obviously not tainted by it. Did being a rogue automatically mean they were cruel? Rogue's aura was calm and sweet to me. She held a lot of strength and aggression but the many times I'd talked to her, she knew how to keep herself in check. Rogue had that rough around the edges look like Mckayla, but much more softer. It was more of her expressions that held all her strength and badass quality. Mckayla looked as if she could devour someone through her expressions and body structure.
"There are some who have faced these rogues. They are forming packs...vampires and werewolves mixed." Again the host went on.
"How do we find out who's leading them?" I looked far across finding a man standing, his eyes hard and angry.
"I lost three of my wolves to these rogues.""Only person who can answer that at this very second is Kayla."
My eyes rushed to Mckayla as she stood, never leaving her position.
Elena's eyes went straight for Mckayla and I sighed knowing what Mckayla was about to say would effect her too.
Mckayla cleared her throat, facing everyone's fixed glares in her. "I had a small pack in my State last week. A week before that, two rogue vampires kidnapped two of my own." Mckayla's fist clenched tighter and I knew if she didn't take a breath her claws would come out and she would pierce the palms of her flesh. She'd done that so many times. Before I could grab her hand Mckayla seemed to relax, loosening her grip.
Mckayla continued on. "I killed the first two and then gave a call out to Sam where the vampire who turned the two rogues in my State...resided in hers."
Sam stood now adding her end to what happened. "He's dead...not giving me any information. Seems he didn't mind dying for whatever cause he was apart of."
"How does this give us what we need to destroying these fucking rogues?" A woman asked. By the fangs she exposed, she was definitely a vampire.
"I'm not finished." Mckayla let all the wondering eyes land back to her. "As for the group last week...before I killed them...I got the information I needed." Mckayla faced Elena and I watched as Elena's face blanched which was hard for a vampire to simply do. I assumed Mckayla told her through their connection. "The
head of this rogue army is--"
"Me." A voice almost as deep as a man's, with a woman's sly texture, spoke. Everyone searched, standing up as they tried to find who the voice belonged to.

No Wolf's End (Book 3 Of Mckayla Series)
WerewolfMckayla has experienced more than enough turmoil against her and her pack. After being turned into a hybrid and made Alpha she has to face another ordeal. One that threatens more than her packs life, but the lives of all in this world. Werewolves, h...