H;)w To Flirt: Twenty Two

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Remeber to get your One Shots in :) 

Dedicated to Lia12345 for the amazing new cover which you may or may not have noticed has changed :P I think it looks super cute and I love the bicycle built for two :3

So, onto what you actually clicked on this chapter for... :P

"So, where exactly are we going?" I asked Ashton as we bumped and rattled down the road.

"Well, usually if Cole goes missing that means he's upset, and if he's upset, that probably means he's of drinking" Ashton explained, gripping his steering wheel.

"So we're going to a bar" I sighed.

"Yes! I like this mission already! I hope there are hot girls there..." Tyson trailed off.

I elbowed him in the stomach.

"Jeez Danny, keep your boney elbows to yourself" Tyson mumbled.

I raised a challenging eyebrow, "I will just as soon as you start keeping your comments to yourself."

Tyson frowned, "I can't help it! I need to share my amazing thoughts with the world, especially those that involve pretty girls."

I smirked, "then I guess my elbow is going to have to stay lodged in your ribs."

Tyson jerked away, "okay, okay, I promise I'll stop!"

Ashton laughed and shook and shook his head, "never understestimate Danny."

Tyson grumbled something under his breath as he rubbed his stomach, but I didn't hear it. I was much too engrossed in staring at the building who's parking lot we had just pulled into. There was a large lit up sign that read, 'My Girl Theressa'. Well, now I understand why Cole came here; Tessa was a short from for Theressa. Although, I had a funny feeling the bar wasn't named after Cole's Tessa. Ashton turned off the car after finding a spot to park and he, Tyson  and I hopped out.

"Please remember Ty, we're here for Cole" I gave him a pointed look as we entered the bar.

The noise from inside hit me like a wall. The whole room was dimly lit and there were strobe lights flashing across a dance floor full of people. I couldn't help but wonder who in their right mindswould come to a bar in the middle of the morning on a Wednesday. I let my gaze travel over the place and frowned. It was packed with blonds... how were we ever going to find Cole? What if he wasn't even here?

"I'm sorry sir, but I'm cutting you off" a voice carried over the music.

"No, please, you can't do that" came a sad, desperate reply.

"Cole?" I whispered, turning in the direction of the voices.

I found him sitting on a stool at the bar, his hair sticking up messily on his head. There were several empty glasses and a few empty bottles sitting in front of him.

"Can't you just give me one more?" Cole asked pleadingly.

"You already have a full glass in front of you, but I think even that is too much" I answered quietly before the bar tender could.

Cole turned and stared at me for a moment, not seeming to notice Ash or Tyson, then turned  back to his drink and sighed, "hey Tessa. I had a funny feeling that if I kept drinking you'd show up again. You know, I really didn't appreciate you showing up in my dream last night. I miss you Tess, God knows I do, but I can't deal with watching those images play over and over again. Are you trying to make me feel guilty? Is that it? Is this your way of telling me that what happened is my fault, because trust me, I already kno-"

"Cole" I whispered desperately.

Ashton's fingers curled lightly around mine and Tyson took a shakey breath. Cole slowly turned back to look at me, his eyes wide.

"Danny, Ashton, Tyson?" he breathed, "but I thought..."

"Tessa's not here Cole" I said sadly.

Cole nodded slowly, "probably for the best. She's been haunting me lately. I can't stop thinking about what happened to her Danny."

I sat down in the seat next to him and licked , hoping I would finally get an answer, "Cole, what did happen to her?"




I know that's a lot, but try to do it all!!

REQUIREMENTS for the next chapter to be updated: 3 COMMENTS and mmm, let's say 5 VOTES! Not too hard right?

Until next time fans!

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